英國placement & internship & employment 經驗+咨詢

Don’t be upset, there are ups and downs all the time. Your time will come.

I just informed them that I won’t be participating the Launch, cos I don’t wanna go through all the hessel to go to England just for the 2 days.

Good luck everyone with your career!

我也是第二年,学得是accouting and info system mangment,不知道找什么样的placement,而且现在申请晚啦吗?谁能给我点建议啊?迷茫中。。。而且网上填拉份hsbc的申请表,给我回信已经过拉他的close date啦


下星期二要去ERNST&YOUNG的assessment centre了, 两天,有teambuilding exercise, interviews, two individual exercise and one group discussion exercise. 不知学长学姐有没有去过安永的assessment centre的? 给我些建议吧

我的建议是 assessment centre 前练习一些 num + psy tests, 会很有用途。



请问你参加的也是Ernst&Young的 assessment centre吗?? 通常来说Indivual exercises 是不是就是PSY&API test ??

nearly all companies now use the “SHL test” . for business students, usually 2 tests r applied—numerical and verbal. if u go to the SHL website, it will help u a lot. just go to google and search for SHL.

于 2005-04-09 03:05, Ink 写:

下星期二要去ERNST&YOUNG的assessment centre了, 两天,有teambuilding exercise, interviews, two individual exercise and one group discussion exercise. 不知学长学姐有没有去过安永的assessment centre的? 给我些建议吧

我去过。。。 但是是for summer internship,只有一天,,,might be different scheduled。。。

But anyway,prepare some knowledge about IFRS (e.g. From 2005, EU coms has started using IFRS, which increases the auditing fees, etc.), and also knowledge about the industry,at least you can talk about one company confidently…and…what else,ye,the Group discussion is the most tricky one,depends on what kind of ppl u r working with,be aware of that…It might be helpful if u look at some case studies before hand (Go to the website of Boston Consulting Group)…

oh well,I think that’s pretty much I can say about it,just be yourself really…


i wanna know about it veeeeeeeeeery much!!!

于 2005-04-10 18:09, JennyMM 写:

于 2005-04-09 03:05, Ink 写:

下星期二要去ERNST&YOUNG的assessment centre了, 两天,有teambuilding exercise, interviews, two individual exercise and one group discussion exercise. 不知学长学姐有没有去过安永的assessment centre的? 给我些建议吧

我去过。。。 但是是for summer internship,只有一天,,,might be different scheduled。。。

But anyway,prepare some knowledge about IFRS (e.g. From 2005, EU coms has started using IFRS, which increases the auditing fees, etc.), and also knowledge about the industry,at least you can talk about one company confidently…and…what else,ye,the Group discussion is the most tricky one,depends on what kind of ppl u r working with,be aware of that…It might be helpful if u look at some case studies before hand (Go to the website of Boston Consulting Group)…

oh well,I think that’s pretty much I can say about it,just be yourself really…


thank you for your suggestion. Could you please just name one example of the group discussion to give me some general idea of it? Thank you

于 2005-04-10 22:32, Ink 写:

thank you for your suggestion. Could you please just name one example of the group discussion to give me some general idea of it? Thank you

every time is different, what I did was a game.
the game itself is not important. the important thing is how u perform in the group, u act as a leader? an idea givener???.........stand up and speak up but dun create a conflict. if someone does, try ur best to solve it. the company is seeking someone who is a team player and a leader!!!




我12月份申请的Merrill Lynch,现在才收到一封回复说your application is currently on hold, will notify your if further positions become available.我想这其实和reject是差不多的吧?因为现在的selection procedure已经都结束了?还可以抱有希望吗?

于 2005-04-14 04:19, xc725 写:

我12月份申请的Merrill Lynch,现在才收到一封回复说your application is currently on hold, will notify your if further positions become available.我想这其实和reject是差不多的吧?因为现在的selection procedure已经都结束了?还可以抱有希望吗?



1。CV 成绩固然重要,但点名了以后就都一样了。要把自己弄的有意思点,不要好象整天就知道学习的样子。我有很多同学第一年拿 2:1 和1:1, 但申请都没成功。

2。了解你想干的。什么怎么应付TEST,怎么应付GROUP DISCUSSION 都是废话。只有完全了解这行你才能有怎么表现自己的注意。



于 2005-04-14 22:06, dantewatcher 写:


1。CV 成绩固然重要,但点名了以后就都一样了。要把自己弄的有意思点,不要好象整天就知道学习的样子。我有很多同学第一年拿 2:1 和1:1, 但申请都没成功。

2。了解你想干的。什么怎么应付TEST,怎么应付GROUP DISCUSSION 都是废话。只有完全了解这行你才能有怎么表现自己的注意。



听起来好难哦,看来summer internship是无望了

如果搞到了在uk的summer internship, 住宿问题怎么解决啊?

于 2005-04-16 00:28, noomy 写:

如果搞到了在uk的summer internship, 住宿问题怎么解决啊?


于 2005-04-16 00:28, noomy 写:

如果搞到了在uk的summer internship, 住宿问题怎么解决啊?

Where about?

Check it out:http://www.findaproperty.com/

Might help!

于 2005-04-16 03:57, JennyMM 写:

于 2005-04-16 00:28, noomy 写:

如果搞到了在uk的summer internship, 住宿问题怎么解决啊?

Where about?

Check it out:http://www.findaproperty.com/

Might help!
