超细致询问!有没有mm了解英国的Private医疗以及 bupa这类医疗保险的呀?请指教


  1. 网上quote了一下bupa,如果自费买,每年超过500镑的部分的医疗费用才让保险公司出的话,每月两个人的保费是一百以内。大家觉得值得买么?
    A 值得。
    B 不值得,两大人就nhs排排队咯,一年省一千多镑呢,等到有娃了再买吧,这样万一小孩发烧什么的,可以最快速度见到医生,不用nhs慢慢等。

  2. 能提供同等服务的情况下,怎么买私立医保比较便宜呢
    A 是不是没意义赶紧趁着跳槽前买bupa了?
    B 可以到了新公司,要求新公司单独给买bupa?(这是在苹果考古看到有个mm回复了这么一句,说可以要求公司买bupa,但完全没看懂什么意思,难道公司没有提供这个福利的时候,可以直接要求买?这样是可以省税么?http://bbs.powerapple.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1153104&extra=&page=3 第23楼)
    C 我们只能纯自费自己买

  3. bupa这类私立医保,是不是每年都要基于前一年的身体情况,重新核算即将到来的新一年的保费?
    A 是
    B 不是

  4. 纯自费买bupa的话,小的医疗花费值得去claim保险么?(因为不是走公司,而是纯自费买保险,担心羊毛出羊身上,就像平时买车险,小问题就自己搞定不走保险了,因为走了,第二年就要涨价了)
    A 值得。例如花费在400镑检查治疗费用,如果走了保险,当年省钱了,第二年保费依旧只根据年龄以及整体身体状态定价,和前一年的claim无关。
    B 不值得。例如花费在400镑检查治疗费用,如果走了保险,当年省钱了,可是第二年的保费会因此明显增加。

  5. 生孩子的时候,是不是可以在bupa网络内,随便挑任意一家私立医院或产科进行生产?即便是在外地。
    A 是。只要在bupa网络内,即便住在苏格兰的人跑到伦敦的某个网内私立医院生产,也是保险公司付所有费用的。
    B 是。只要在bupa网络内,即便住在苏格兰的人跑到伦敦的某个网内私立医院生产,也是保险公司付费,但不是全部费用,例如家属陪护加床费不付,例如自己要求的剖腹产不付。
    C 不是。保险公司只支付医生要求的治疗的费用,如果nhs的gp或者private的consultant,认为产妇没有特殊症状,完全可以在当地nhs生产,那么产妇如果跑去外地私立医院生产,保险公司不付费。

  6. 从宝宝出生那刻开始,bupa的保险是不是就只支付妈妈的费用,不支付宝宝的费用了?
    A 是的。所以需要在孩子出生之前就把孩子加入父母的保险计划里面。
    B 不是的,直到医生签字让母子都平安出院,保险才变成只保妈妈。之前,娃的费用由妈妈的保险cover。

  7. 怎么选择consultant,哪里可以查询每位医生的专长以及口碑?所有医生收费相同么?
    A 没法得知哪位consultant水平高,只能随便碰,收费相同。
    B 没法得知哪位consultant水平高,只能随便碰,收费不一样。
    C 可以查到每位consultant的评价,每位医生收费相同。
    D 可以查到每位consultant的评价,每位医生收费不一样。

  8. 去私立医院的时候,感觉他们的缴费系统是分成两部分的,检查这类就是交给医院的,见consultant的费用是由医生的秘书处理的。那其实,private hospital里面的医生都是个体户然后在私立医院里租个办公室而已么?那这些医生平时还在别的地方工作么?他们的水平有保证么?
    A 他们都在别的公立医院和机构就职,同时也在私立任职,水平是有保证的,都是各领域专家级别的,可以放心。
    B 他们不在公立部门就职,只在私立医院租个办公室自负盈亏,水平未必比公立医院的医生高,只不过是大大缩短了病人的候诊时间,另外私立医生会态度更好。

谢谢mm们耐心看完,谢谢,撒花 :cn11: 虽然每位mm都未必能回复所有问题,但众人拾柴火焰高,希望路过的mm都可以分享出来自己知道的情况,这样帖子也可以供更多的mm参考使用呀。

1 & 2 & 4 - Not sure, since ours is a company scheme
3, Yes (but need to double check)
5, Bupa does NOT cover private or NHS birth, unless there is a complication requiring treatment. There is however, a fixed tiny reimbursement of some kind but I need to check the policy.
6, not sure. Still on the way :stuck_out_tongue:
7, There will be websites or information lines relating to the specific illnesses / conditions of interest. Bupa only covers their approved consultants and institutions (haven’t really needed this just something I remembered roughly).
8, Many consultants, especially the majority of the best ones, work both privately and for NHS, I believe.

I have got to go - at work at the moment.
Might be able to help a little more when I get home and find the policy.

mark下 一直不明白这个系统
不过我之前有发帖问这个问题,我最近用了private health insurance,赶脚比nhs略微速度了点

谢谢cest_la_vie MM:polite: 等待mm有空的时候更新更多信息
Beckysuregood MM,去nhs也可以固定只看一个gp的,但有可能要等很久,比如gp去度假啦,或者被book满了,或者他有空时你没空。




一般的个人和公司的bupa cover好像没有pregnancy cover的吧,除了别的一些很例外的公司跟bupa 有special arrangements才会有的,好像有些reimbursement (大概10k) 左右,不过是在公司的cover的基础上自己再加钱买的。

You’re welcome:loveliness:
I completely forgot that I need to be somewhere tonight so apologies for a very brief update before I dash.
I’ve just double checked a couple of things:

About 3, sorry I’m really not sure since we haven’t made any claims and we haven’t been paying (the company has).

About 5, as I mentioned, Bupa doesn’t cover private birth (I shouldn’t have mentioned NHS birth because it’s free anyway) unless it’s for complications being treated (eg, C Section clinically required by VERY risky circumstances and performed in a private hospital).
There is a separate family cash benefit of £150 (…I know!) for each child born during the year. And this is the tiny fixed benefit I mentioned.

About 6, our scheme covers immediate families so when our baby comes along all we need to do is to add the baby’s name. Again, I’m not sure what the options may be for your policy.

About 7 and as both John and I have mentioned earlier, Bupa only covers the full costs of their recognised consultants and facilities for treatments such as out-patient treatments, being treated in hospital or having out-patient MRI, CT and PET scans.
Nevertheless, they do also cover part of the costs of being treated in facilities that are not recognised by them. For example, they cover up to £200 each day for day-patient or each night for in-patient treatment if the hospital is not recognised by them.

About seeing their consultants. The most common way to make a claim with Bupa is to ask your GP to issue an ‘open referral’ detailing the treatments your GP thinks you need. Send the referral to Bupa and they will give you a list of two or three consultants/specialists who are recognised by them, depending on the treatments you need.
Bupa has some standards in recognising consultants, they will have to be on NHS consultant appointment and GMC specialist register, have to have professional issuance and at least 7 years of experience. Most of them may not be the very elites in their field but they don’t sound too dangerous either.

Ps, there will be a difference between the coverages on seeing plan approved or fee assured only consultants.
Pps, Bupa is UK’s biggest health insurance provider but there’re others like AXA PPP. It won’t hurt to shop around before you decide.

Hope these could help to clear things a little.
I have to dash now!

Yucky! It doesn’t seem very BRIEF at all now I look at it. Have a lovely eve!


祝mm天天开心,事事顺心:cn15: :polite: :smiley:



Thanks! :slight_smile: there was a typo in my reply- professional ‘issuance’ should be ‘insurance’. Good luck with your search!


1,Does private medical insurance such as bupa recalculate the premium for the upcoming new year based on the physical condition of the previous year?
A. It is The premium goes up with age and claims history. Some policies try to mitigate this with health questionnaires and apps.
B. It is not

2, If I buy bupa at my own expense, is it worth claiming insurance for small medical expenses? (Because instead of going to the company, you are buying insurance at your own expense, worrying that the wool will come out of the sheep, just like buying car insurance. If you have small problems, you will not take insurance. Because you make a claim, the price will increase in the next year)
A. worth it. For example, if you spend 400 pounds on inspection and treatment costs, if you take out the insurance, you will save money that year, and the insurance premium for the second year is still priced based on age and overall physical condition, and has nothing to do with the previous year’s claim. The size of the claim determines the effect on the no claims discount. Some policies offer some services that do not affect NCD.

You can choose to claim or not for smaller things. I would recommend not addeng on additional modules just go for good core cover.
B. is not worth it. For example, if you spend 400 pounds on inspection and treatment costs, if you take out the insurance, you will save money that year, but the insurance premium for the second year will increase significantly.

3, How to choose a consultant? Where can I check the expertise and reputation of each doctor? Do all doctors charge the same?
A. There is no way to know which consultant is of high level of expertise, so I can only try my luck, and the charge is the same.
B. I can’t know which consultant has a high level of expertise, so I can only try my luck, the charges are different.
C. The evaluation of each consultant can be found, and each doctor charges the same.
D. The evaluation of each consultant can be found, and each doctor charges differently.

The policies generally have fee guidelines and have a list of consultants affiliated to the provider within the fee guidelines. Provided they are within the fee guidelines and you have the cover with your policy then they will be completely covered by your policy.

You can look up each consultant and get feedback or go with recommendations.

4, Is there a waiting period before you can start making a claim?
A. If yes, how long do I need to wait?
B. No, you can start to ask for GP consultation as soon as you have any acute illness. Once the policy starts there is no deferment period providing the condition is a new condition and you had not had symptoms treatment medication or advice for that condition in the last 5 years

5, If I got a fever or flu or skin problem, should I go to the NHS first? Or should I contact Bupa online GP?
A. You should go to an NHS clinic first, because the premium might increase if you use Bupa too many times in a year.
B. You should contact Bupa online GP, no need to wait for making appointment on next day 8am, the premium won’t increase for GP consultation, as long as no treatment fee or specialist fee occur. Correct.
You can choose to go to your NHS GP or use the GP App. Using the GP App does not affect your premium the following year.
6, Can I ask for a full body check-up through Bupa?
A. Yes, you can, Bupa can help to arrange that. But you need to pay for the fee, private medical insurance is insurance, not for full body check-up.
B. No, Bupa won’t arrange anything like that.

Bupa will not arrange the health check but they do offer discounts for health checks you can call them to find out more.

7, I understand the premium will increase annually, is there a percentage increase?
A. If yes, what is the percentage?
B. No, you could pay 800 pounds this year, but 3000 pounds next year, it depends on your health condition and if you make a big claim.

There is a no claims discount structure applied to the premium. I can explain this when we speak, it is different for different providers. This is affected by claims.

There is also an increase as you get older.

8, If I have cancer this year and make a claim, after treatment, after 2 years, I find out that I have another cancer, can I still make a claim?
A. Yes, no matter it is the same as the first one, or different. Correct it was not pre-existing.
B. Yes, only if the second cancer is different from the first one.
B. No, after the first claim of cancer, you need to wait for three years.

9, My wife thinks that if we go to Bupa directly we will get a cheaper price, is that true?
A. Yes, it is true, but you will get independent advice through brokers
B. No, it is not true, the broker will get you the same price as Bupa or even cheaper price, if it is the same kind of cover. We quote directly for BUPA with exactly the same prices as directly from BUPA

10, I have asthma, I worry that it might get worse after I get older like 60/70 years old. Bupa will never cover asthma related problems, is that true?
A. Yes, that is true. You can only go to the NHS for your asthma.
B. No, it is not true. You can go to Bupa if your asthma has been okay for a certain period of time, like 3 years or 5 year.
C. Yes, it is true. Bupa won’t cover it. But you can go to The Exeter, they will cover illness after a certain period of time if the illness has been okay.

Private Medical Insurance wont cover pre-existing chronic conditions. Asthma is a chronic condition. Neither Exeter or BUPA will cover asthma if it is pre-existing


1,医疗保险始终是保险的一种,是拿来保障大病重病急病的,如果没有会在你生病时对你的经济造成严重影响的,所以日常小病还是长期治疗都不应该用医疗保险。所以腰酸背痛要做针灸按摩还是自费比较好。下一年的保费涨跌是根据当年市场的医疗价格涨幅和你的年龄以及你今年是否有 claim来定。
3,我买的 BUPA,有三份医院名单,链接如下



Catherine Vale
01285 864670
[email protected]



我有保险但是一直不敢用害怕会很贵很贵啊。又没有price list.我一年只有1100免费额度。
