脱欧: 哪个结果最可能?

首相让议会投票来决定是否无协议脱欧。 然后投票决定是否要extend article 50.

无协议脱欧应该会避免,Article 50会被extend。

首相各种场合说了快一百遍3月29号英国会脱欧,现在估计脱不了, potty politics。

标题源自于撒切尔夫人说的"The lady is not for turning", 背景是撒切尔夫人说她不会因为众多反对而改变经济政策。

西方政客做u-turn或break promise太常见啊。 撒切尔夫人79年manifesto说要减税,第一任内大幅加税。 Liberal democrats 2010 manifesto说不加学费,上台后允许大学学费到9000…





比较可能的是周三首相会投票赞成无协议脱欧,这个估计会被很多人骂。 保守党大部分议员估计也会吧。当然议会会否决无协议脱欧。



如果英国申请延长的话, 欧盟会同意的。大家都不想看到无协议脱欧。

Jeremy Hunt 和David Davis在周日Andrew Marr show里都说延期脱欧对保守党来说是disastrous。

脱欧延期后,有各种可能, 脱欧方向不好说。 英国bargaing power下降,较大可能是英国政府会做u-turn, softer brexit比如customs union变得更加可能。英国政府延期后,英国做更多准备,最终无协议脱欧也不是完全没有可能. 另外二次公投还是有些可能,工党有说, 即使议会能达成多数同意的脱欧方案,比如customs union,工党很可能会支持让公投来决定是否接受这个方案,尤其是当这个最终方案和政府所promised差的比较远。另外citizens assembly,May在最终脱欧之前下台等等都有一点可能。




之前很多人说EU总是在eleventh hour 达成协议,这次还真投票前一晚在11点发布谈判结果啊。。。

新闻说首相得到了legally binding changes to backstop. 在joint statement中的第6点提到backstop。

"given the Union’s and the United Kingdom’s firm commitment to work at speed on a
subsequent agreement that establishes by 31 December 2020 alternative arrangements such
that the backstop solution in the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland will not need to be
applied, a specific negotiating track will be established at the outset and as part of the
negotiations to lead the analysis and development of these alternative arrangements. "
看看法律专家媒体的反应如何。 如果到2020年底,没有alternative arrangements怎么办? Backstop 还能exit吗?感觉这个joint statement没太有用?

文字上和现在这个joint statement好像没有太多区别。 之前首相也说了是legally binding。

"On the 13 December, the European Council (Article 50) decided on a number of additional
assurances, in particular as regards its firm commitment to work speedily on a subsequent
agreement that establishes by 31 December 2020 alternative arrangements, so that the backstop
will not need to be triggered.

The European Council also said that, if the backstop were nevertheless to be triggered, it would
only apply temporarily, unless and until it is superseded by a subsequent agreement that ensures
that a hard border is avoided, and that the European Union, in such a case, would use its best
endeavours to negotiate and conclude expeditiously a subsequent agreement that would replace
the backstop, and would expect the same of the United Kingdom, so that the backstop would only
be in place for as long as strictly necessary."


看起来这个revised deal和1月14号的信差别不大,英国不能unilaterally exit backstop,今天应该通不过。大多人觉得英国政府不会像上次输的那么难看