【求助!!】到底是做 MOT 的 Protyre 在耍我,还是 Mobile Fit 的小哥在骗我

事情解决了, Mobile Fit 的小哥是对的。 事件更新在了这个帖子里:

非常抱歉刷屏了 {:5_145:} ,但是现在确实非常 Confuse,求大神解惑。

事情是这样的,周四约了 Protyre 的 MOT,查出驾驶位后胎 tread depth 小于 1.6mm,要 Fail 我的test。

我问换胎多少钱,对方说continental 的 flatout 报价270,建议两个一起换,给我打折一共400,我上网查了一下价格,好像别的地方也差不多,所以就同意了。但是问题是他们没有现货,需要预订,而且下周二才到。当时我也没法说什么,就只好同意就走了。

因为车子比较老了觉得flatout 太贵,也急着用车,不想等了,今天网上约了一个 Mobile Fit 换了两个普通轮胎,一个前轮(因为前轮也有一个 Minor damage),一个后轮。所以最后四个轮胎,两个普通,两个flatout。当时换的时候我还在想,这样会不会过不了MOT,不过 Mobile Fit 的小哥给我拍胸脯没问题。

换完轮胎之后就把车开回 Protyre 做 Retest,对方说要等两个小时,我想自己在别的地方换的轮胎,回去 retest, 对方肯定比较不开心,但是心想只要能过,等两个小时就等呗,就出去转了两个小时。

回来之后工作人员告诉我这个过不了,前后两个轮胎一个是 flatout, 一个是普通轮胎肯定过不了,说幸好提前检查了,不然如果正式开始 retest 肯定 Fail 还要lose retest 的资格 balabala。旁边的人也附和说不要相信那些 Mobile Fit 不靠谱 bala bala。我感觉有道理也就信了。

回头给 Mobile Fit 的小哥打电话,他感觉非常生气,说自己也有做 MOTO 十多年了有证书,是不是Flatout 没有关系,只要尺寸是对的就OK了,这种肯定能过,我被 Protyre 的骗了,还说他换胎的时候发现其实我的轮胎是OK的,Protyre 就想忽悠我,赚我轮胎的钱,接着,还把自己的 MOT 地址给我,说过来保证过,并叫我去投诉 Protyre。

以前我都是 service 和 MOT 一起做的,一直都比较顺利,这次单独做就出了这种幺蛾子,关键是我到底该信谁呢 {:5_145:}

You shouldn’t really mix run flats and normal tyres as the compound structure is different. Your car will handle differently especially at high speed on motorway but from an MOT perspective it should still pass as long as you have 3mm +, under 3mm is a warning which gets flagged as an adVisory and under 2mm is effectively illegal. It also depends on whether you have a tyre pressure monitoring system as that is also a mot check.

As you now have different types of tyres on your car your insurance may have an issue if you ever have an accident but from an mot perspective there should be no issue in passing.

You should have just gone to an Asian place and had some part worn tyres fitted that had 5mm plus tread.

你这个胎如果真是低于1.6mm就是违法上路了,你就需要换新胎了。骗没骗你,你自己量一下不就知道了。如果需要换新胎,看你这个车的车况,建议你直接把四个轮胎都换成新的普通的轮胎,一个是便宜很多,一个是自己开着也安全。flat tyre其实没必要,这种胎虽然爆胎是安全点儿,但只要扎了只能换新不能补。

Thank you very much for your reply.
The car does have the tyre pressure monitoring system, will that be the reason to fail my test? I didn’t see any error message after changing. I want to sort our the MOT first, as this is a dangerous defect, I can’t drive with that. As soon as the MOT is sorted. I will get the other two tyres changed, for the safety reason of course.


Protre 因此就拒绝给我做 Retest,说肯定 Fail. 当时也就相信了,后面查了一下,好像法律并没有禁止这种混用。当然MOT通过之后肯定要把剩下的轮胎换掉,为了安全考虑。

不过 Protyre 的态度让我非常生气,明显就是欺负我不懂规则,故意刁难,让我等了两个小时然后拒绝给我做 retest. 就是因为没在他的地方换轮胎?

As long as the TPMS is working then that should be fine as run flats can’t be checked for pressure loss by simply pressing your finger against the side of the tyre (like you would with a normal tyre).

When it’s passed, before or after, change your tyres all to the same type especially with winter coming.

Two things I always say, never cut costs on tyres or brakes.

Finally, a simple way to check your tyres for tread is using a 20p coin. If you can see the outside band on the coin then you need to replace tyre.

Go to a local Asian place where lots of taxis probably go for tyres and you’ll get a good tyre for 60-80 pound fitted. Just make sure it’s got 5mm + of tread so you can get several thousand miles out of it

Thanks very much, very handy advice. I also find the reference to support your view about the mixing:
Tyres of different types of structure, such as radial-ply and cross-ply, must not be mixed on the same axle.
Steel and fabric radial-ply tyres are considered to be the same structure.

Run flat and conventional tyres can be mixed on the same axle, although this is not recommended.
BTW do you know how to find the Asian place? I am living in North London N18 area, any place to recommend?

Lol, we are 200 miles north. I don’t know London but I’m sure you can use Google to find one. If you are not comfortable looking at a tyre then I suggest you just buy them online and have them fitted by a local garage.

To be honest if you can’t spot when your tyre is down to 1.6 then I suggest it’s probably safer for you to buy online. Shop around, they won’t cost you that much and maybe even use eBay.

I am confused with the MOT status and results could you help me
Do you have contact detail? I may recommend my friend in North to your garage {:5_136:}

You have a valid MOT until Nov 2021. The system states that so you are fine, no need to worry.

But you will have to do some works next year(depending on how much mileage you do) as you have an advisory on two of your other tyres and your brake pads are starting to wear down.

I’m actually an IT contractor as my day job but I also have interests in cars and a garage. Autobahn in Huddersfield (in between Leeds and Manchester).

你是不是换轮胎以后,同一个轴上的轮胎不是一个品牌型号的? 这样不行啊。前后轮可以不同轮胎,但是同一个轴上要一样的轮胎才行。

