过期内容 按照GDPR 我作为信息的owner 要求删除

过期内容 按照GDPR 我作为信息的owner 要求删除


我父母有同样的问题,刚刚上HO没照到相关信息,可能相比签证到期的,我们这情况还好吧,不过最好还是有个peace of mind所以就邮件问了一下,还没有回复我,但是至少有个reocrd, 等等有恢复了我再来跟大家说吧





我帮父母填表,他一定要求VAF, GWF ref. number. 要不就不给submit. 请教填过的同学你们怎么填的?谢谢

Please complete the form, in English only, with as much information as possible. If you’re unable to provide any of the information or it’s not applicable to you (for instance if you entered the UK without needing a visa), please enter ‘Not known’ or ‘Not applicable’ in the relevant box.

You may wish to take a screenshot of the completed form before submitting it, for your own records.

If your email address is entered correctly, soon after submitting the form you’ll receive an email asking you to confirm your email address. Once that’s done you don’t need to contact the Coronavirus Immigration Helpline or mailbox and we’ll respond to you within 5 working days.


Thank you for contacting the Home Office Coronavirus Immigration Team to tell us that you cannot leave the UK before the expiry of your leave due to travel restrictions or self-isolation, and that you do not wish to stay in the UK in the long-term.

No individual of any nationality will be regarded as an overstayer or suffer any detriment in the future, where:

their leave has expired or is due to expire between 24 January 2020 and 31 July 2020
they are currently in the UK on a long-term Standard Visitor visa that lasts 2, 5 or 10 years
they have reached the maximum stay of 180 days within the period 24 January 2020 to 31 July 2020
they have observed the terms of their visa prior to the COVID-19 outbreak
they cannot leave because of travel restrictions related to COVID-19
To ensure that your immigration records are updated to reflect your circumstances or if you cannot leave the UK before reaching the 180-day maximum period of stay and do not wish to stay in the UK in the long-term, please complete and submit this online form with as much information as you can provide. Once you submit the form and confirm your email address, we will receive your information and we will aim to write to you within 5 working days.