请问英国的 PrePare School有什么特别的吗?是专门为了上英国的公学准备的吗?

请问英国的 PrePare School有什么特别的吗?它和普通的Independent school有什么区别呢?

你是说preparatory school吧?

A preparatory school (or, shortened: prep school) in the United Kingdom is a fee-charging independent primary school that caters primarily for children up to approximately the age of 13. The term “preparatory school” is used as it prepares the children for the Common Entrance Examination to secure a place at a private independent secondary school, including the British public schools. They are also now used by parents in the hope of getting their child into a state selective grammar school. Most prep schools are inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), which is overseen by Ofsted on behalf of the Department for Education.

谢谢! 请问如果是上到13岁,那不是就错过了英国的11+考试吗?如果上到13岁,是不是考上好的Grammar School的机会就少了? 感觉11岁是Grammar School主要录取年龄,是吗?

很多私校的13+考试有11+ pre test,和11+是同时的,所以不会错过


谢谢,也就是说,私校的11+ Pre Test,如果考上了,要等到13岁的时候去上学,对吗?
如果11+时没有考上那些著名的学校,考上其他的学校,那就不用在那些昂贵的私立Pre School 上到13岁了,是吗?

谢谢,也就是说,私校的11+ Pre Test,如果考上了,要等到13岁的时候去上学,对吗?
如果11+时没有考上那些著名的学校,考上其他的学校,那就不用在那些昂贵的私立Pre School 上到13岁了,是吗?

1。11岁时候只是一个pre test,录取是conditional offer,13岁还要参加common entrance examination或者学校的13+考试。


11岁入学也有很多非常好的学校的,比如St Paul。
