买方进行时: 律师发信发现2个高风险点:lease中关于flat的保险问题以及ground rent升速过高。不知如何前进,请教前辈们!

[quote=“booncar, post: 19, topic: 2961989”]

本帖最后由 booncar 于 2019-12-22 07:48 编辑


[/quote] 我这个物业费1100大概一年,ground rent250,980年lease
我今天还问了我的管理公司,回复如下“The building is fully insured.

So if the building for example causes damage to your flat, you are covered.

If another flat however causes damage to your flat ,your individual flat insurance should cover it.

It.defnitely will cover flat to flat damage if you purchased the policy offered by James Hallam.

If we put flat back on buildings insurance the buildings isurance premium will rise to 50,000 GBP. ( If we keep the escape of water excess at 500 per claim. We can lower the BI premium to about 33000 if we agree to an escape of water excess of 2500. )

But we dont want an escape of water excess of more than 500 for flats because if the excess was say 2500…this would not be acceptible to most mortgage lenders. 还有一大堆。。 此处不表了。。物业公司的大意就是为了节省大家的钱,我们自己的物业哪里出问题了就别跟物业公司要insurance ,自己claim自己家的insurance就行。 {:5_134:} 这样明年物业的building insurance还会保持不变。我们的物业费也能找旧不变。



再请加大家,这两种情况‘most blocks of flats in the Lease make it a requirement for the landlord to insure the whole building with the cost of the buildings insurance being split between each owners. However, your Lease states that each individual person should take out buildings insurance for their individual flat and garages.’



律师说有一种解决办法是请卖家拿到 一个 an indemnity insurance to protect you if the building hasn’t been insured properly。这个 indemnity insurance是什么?

你的policy 说的damage 是什么损坏?就是包火灾从建吧?自己的building insurance 大概只是包挂漏水和水管爆裂洗衣机坏漏水到楼下那种building insurance ? subsidence claim 如果在30楼高的不可能有保险公司可以理赔单一个单位。何况没有人可以盖个空中楼阁。
比如说倒塌了得从地面盖起,上次我换mortgage lender 也遇到同一个问题。我有个公寓coach house 也是没有freeholder building insurance,就是得买indemnity insurance 保赔钱给银行那种(并不是包reinstate cost)。 building insurance 也是自己买自己公寓的,lender not accept the insurance as tenant have no right to build above others people building。这个单位没有freeholder building insurance,管理费也低。只是剪草和花园维护。ground rent 就£1 年期也是999

我还有另一个单位年期125。service charge £1300,insurance 由freeholder 买。分摊下来£350,ground rent £275。每廿五年涨£275。

这种indemnity insurance 只是保障金钱赔偿。cash consideration 没有理赔building reinstate 的部分。比如说你的公寓值£400k通常就£400左右,要是倒塌了或者火灾烧没了,又没有free holder consent 或者领头羊可以从地底开始从建保险公司就赔个£400k了事
这种indemnity insurance 是mortgage lender 的保障。有的公寓是要自己买building insurance ,但是从建的部分通常都会因为法律责任问题实行不了。比如我的在三楼,如果没二楼的业主同意是没办法在二楼上面搭架建回三楼的房子。那二楼因为三楼施工时间外出租房的算谁?

整个大楼有保险,但是物业不喜欢我们一些小事走大楼的保险,因为第二年保险会增加很多,然后导致每家每户物业费增加,物业就让我们自己买单独的保险cover一些小毁坏,例如被楼上淹了什么的。 {:5_134:} 我买的都是矮楼

咱们如果想太多就坐在家里什么都不要做了 {:5_147:} 国内的人买的都是flat,哪有什么保险,就是买保险好像很多都不理赔,例如地震,也是神了。。。

大哥,能具体说下这句吗:formal extending the lease. 这样会多99年,然后地租降到peppercorn price
就是我延期一次之后,地租就可以降到一个数值,这个peppercorn price是啥呢?


no,按照individual flat rebuild价值或者就按照当前价值给insurance company。