

Private Residence Relief

You do not pay Capital Gains Tax when you sell (or ‘dispose of’) your home if all of the following apply:

you have one home and you’ve lived in it as your main home for all the time you’ve owned it
you have not let part of it out - this does not include having a single lodger
you have not used part of it for business only
the grounds, including all buildings, are less than 5,000 square metres (just over an acre) in total
you did not buy it just to make a gain
You do not need to do anything. You’ll automatically get a tax relief called Private Residence Relief.

If you do not meet all these criteria you may have to pay some Capital Gains Tax.



第一条就做不到 {:5_134:}

这个好,但房子已经空置一年多了, 就要透支了{:5_145:}


这个保守党要明年四月后就要改成九个月了 {:5_139:}

那个 CGT allowance 应该还适用,希望没有什么条件
