英镑难道会涨到1:10 or again回到王国 1:15

打土豪分财产, 分给谁还不知道呢,
还不如赶紧投入美丽邻居的怀抱,从此走上人生巅峰 {:5_142:}

你这是赤裸裸的炫富啊,跟家财万贯的富家女比邻而居。。说明你的房子价值不菲,我觉得你应该被均富 {:5_142:}


“brexit done”对英国的未来几年走向来说,不过是判处死刑缓期执行而已。:shutup:






工党上台更加霍霍。 大学都没上过, 指望一群工会出身的家伙领导国家?

你真是火眼金睛啊! {:5_142:}


那必须的啊,透过现象分析本质是俺生活技能之一{:5_142:} 他原来是披着厨师外皮的business owner,这么想想又似乎合理很多。。

姜还是老的辣, 我觉得我每天都在论坛里学到好多东西!佩服佩服!


那你的point是什么? 没人能当家作主, 一群乌合之众为了反对而反对, 闹剧永远进行下去?

Jeremy Corbyn, London Metropolitan University

John McDonnell, Brunel University

Diane Abott, Cambridge University

Emily Thornberry, LSE

懒得一个一个查你眼里这些学霸, 投身革命事业。
看看工党的头目的教育背景, A level 就拿2科, 还都是E, 哈哈。。。

Mr Corbyn had begun his education at the fee-paying preparatory school Castle House, in Newport, Shropshire, before moving into the state sector, after passing his 11-plus.

He was one of only two Labour-supporting boys at Adams Grammar School, in Newport, when his class held a mock election in 1964.

Mr Corbyn left Adams with two A-levels, both at grade E, and an enduring hatred of selective education.

ref: The Jeremy Corbyn story: Profile of Labour leader - BBC News

立马上wikipedia 八卦一把烤饼的背景:

When Corbyn was seven, the family moved to Pave Lane in Shropshire, where his father bought Yew Tree Manor, a 17th-century country house which was once part of the Duke of Sutherland’s Lilleshall estate (有钱人呐). Corbyn attended Castle House School, an independent preparatory school (私立) near Newport, Shropshire, before, at age 11, becoming a day student at the Adams’ Grammar School (私校)in the town.


是啊, 而且他是他们学校仅有的2个工党支持者之一, 不知道是不是因为学习太差了,脑子不太好用 {:5_142:}