【紧急求助】收到警局信说我开车出车祸没有停车交换信息 !!!


The driver of the motor vehicle bearing the registration mark xxxxxx is alleged to have committed an office of:

Diving without due care and attention prior to a round traffic collision and falling to stop and exchange third party details at XXXX on XXX Road.

我想了半天, 那天送孩子上学路,我的车左边的后视镜和停在路边的车子的后视镜轻轻擦了一下, 当时觉得没事就是直接就往前开走了, 现在回头想想可能车主在车里坐着呢, 我觉得根据当时的情况那车的后视镜应该没事呀, 我的后视镜也没事。现在警局让我填表, 请问这种情况啥后果, 谢谢!完全没有经验。 哭死!

现在警局让我填表格确认谁在开车, 请问我是不是应该问清楚情况再填表格啊?




警局让我现在填表格, 怎么填?我觉得填了就是承认collision。车主会不会诬陷我说我撞了他车子?


我网上查了一下,这种情况会要我上庭, 最高罚款5000镑, 哭死!


那表格填还是不填啊?还是打电话先问清楚, 万一车主把其他车的毛病都算我身上咋办?


The driver of a motor vehicle bearing the registration mark XXX is alleged to have committed an offence of:

Driving without due care and attention prior to a road traffic collision and failling to stop and exchange third party details at XXX, contrary to the Road Traffic Act 1988.

You have been identified as the keeper or nominated as the driver. As such you are required to provide or confirm the full name and address of the driver at the time and location referred to above, by completing and returning the attached form.

This information is requested on behalf of the Chief Constable and must be supplied within 28 days of this notice. Failure to supply these details is an offence and may render you liable to a fine and disqualification.



In accordance with section 1 of the Road Traffic Offenders Acto 1988, notice is hereby given that proceedings are contemplated against the driver of motor vehicle registration number XXX of which you were the registered keeper for the alleged offence of:

Driving without due care and attention prior to a road traffic collision and failling to stop and exchange third party details at XXX, contrary to the Road Traffic Act 1988.

The fact that this notice has been sent to you does not necessarily indicate that you will be prosecuted. To comply with the law such notice must be sent within 14 days of an incident which may lead to a prosecution fo the offence(s) named. If it is decided not to institute proceedings you will be informed.

上庭应该是警察让我上庭吧, 不需要对方出面吧?另外我会被扣几分啊?

第二封信(Notice of intended prosecution)上说:

In accordance with section 1 of the Road Traffic Offenders Acto 1988, notice is hereby given that proceedings are contemplated against the driver of motor vehicle registration number XXX of which you were the registered keeper for the alleged offence of:

Driving without due care and attention prior to a road traffic collision and failling to stop and exchange third party details at XXX, contrary to the Road Traffic Act 1988.

The fact that this notice has been sent to you does not necessarily indicate that you will be prosecuted. To comply with the law such notice must be sent within 14 days of an incident which may lead to a prosecution fo the offence(s) named. If it is decided not to institute proceedings you will be informed.


肇事逃逸,必须要填名字的。 后面的情况,警察不会管的。 你直接表格上说当天你开车,没有注意到有碰撞情况。 注意啊,绝对不要承认发生过碰撞。 后面是保险公司的事情。

行车记录仪是拍不到反光镜碰撞的。 没证据。 另外看对方什么车,不少车反光镜1千镑一个。 走保险对方自己也要出几百吧。

记住不承认碰了。 后面如果找你,就说碰反光镜是对方停车阻碍交通了。

我要是坐车里别人碰反光镜还不跳出来骂街啊。 后面有人追你吗? 停车不折叠镜子,自己也有责任

谢谢大哥指点!表格上没有问我有没有colliasion. 就是问姓名地址保险公司。我是不是要写信给警局说我不知道撞车了?




对方反光镜如果碎了我应该知道啊, 当时车速特别特别慢真的是碰了一下而已。我现在觉得也有可能是英国路人多管闲事举报的。 当时那条路特别堵。

学York公爵,I have no recollection of
ever meeting this lady, whatsoever. {:5_144:}





不要慌,就按上面总结回复警察。 英国法律讲证据。 你车上有其他人证明么?

谢谢!我车上就我家娃, 不是成年人。