关于tier 1 investor 满5年申请永居问题,想请教下大家

今年tier 1 investor将满5年,准备申请永居,想请教下大家,申请说可以提前28天,这个时间点是按第一次入境满5年提前28天算还是第一次签证签发满5年提前28天算,谢谢大家!


满5年可以指从获得T1 Investor签证的那天算起,也可以从你入境英国的那天算起。You decide whichever date that is beneficial for you. 相关政策文档guidance已经解释得很清楚了。

*** Page 32-33, Tier 1 Investor policy guidance, version 03/2019. ***

Length of time in the United Kingdom needed to qualify – settlement
119. You can apply for settlement under Tier 1 (Investor) once you have reached 5 years’
continuous leave in the United Kingdom under the route.
120. However, if you meet additional criteria (explained below), you may apply for accelerated
ILR after a continuous period of either 2 years or 3 years.
Tier 1 (Investor) Policy Guidance (07/18) Page 33
121. You cannot combine Tier 1 (Investor) leave with leave in any other category to meet the
continuous leave requirement.
122. Your qualifying period can include time from the date your initial application (for entry
clearance or leave to remain) was approved.
123. You can apply for settlement up to 28 days before you will reach the qualifying
period. If you apply earlier than that, your application may be refused. Your
qualifying period will be the 5, 3 or 2 years immediately before the date you apply for
settlement or the 5, 3 or 2 years immediately before the date your settlement application
is decided, depending on which is most beneficial to you. If you have spent more that
the required time in the United Kingdom, we will only consider the most recent 5, 3 or 2
years as applicable.
*** End ***