银行的home buyer report和律师的searches一样吗

求各位指点 {:5_147:}



search是关于这个地区的情况会不会影响房子,以及房子的legal status的。

谢谢。mm也准备买房吗 {:5_137:}

啊,明白了。谢谢龙哥 {:5_142:}

律师的searches主要包括三个方面 1 local authority search; 2 water and property 3 environment ; 1 主要包括 (If your property is a listed building
Located in a conservation area
Situated in a tree preservation order area
Need an improvement or renovation grant
In a smoke control area; Proposals for new roads or traffic schemes
Contaminated land
Planning decisions affecting your property
Building regulations
If your property is in a Radon affected area) ; 2. 包括 sewers, drains and piping 3. 包括 Landslips
Contaminated land due to historic landfills and waste sites
The risk of flooding from nearby rivers or seas。

HOME BUYER REPORT: 主要是关于房子是否有明显结构问题,地陷,洪水等

哇,好棒。谢谢 {:5_147:}

