

曼城华人商會收到可靠消息指,格拉斯哥警方今日於格拉斯哥拘捕了多名, 懷疑 保加利亞/ 羅馬尼亞 籍男子, 被捕人士約十多歲, 警方在搜查中, 搜出被捕人士身上持有英國各地多名華裔人士之姓名,地址,電話等個人資料, 資料與日前於英國各地華人住所被爆竊, 入屋行劫之名單吻合。 更有華人收到警方知通知, 指出其住所也在名單之中。有華裔人士被匪徒持刀指嚇, 要求交出銀行資料及密碼。 近日於格拉斯哥地區經已有多名華人在光天化日,下午三至五時之間,被匪徒入屋爆竊。

另外, 有街坊向本會提供資料指, 曰前有華人位於曼城大永發附近之住所, 被持刀匪徒入屋行劫。 更有匪徒於當卡士打假扮警務人士, 要求入屋, 其後對戶主行劫。 本會呼籲各界人士,如有懷疑,切勿開門給陌生人士進入, 如有人自稱警務人員, 請要求出示身份證明及致電當地警署核實身份。

就近期於英國各地針對華裔人士之罪案飆升,本會就此發此公告,呼籲各華裔人士,小心門戶,及人身安全。 如有懷疑或不幸被劫, 請盡快向警方報案求助。本會會就此事發信,通知曼城警方及市政府。

本會將於 曼城華埠街坊商會 Manchester Chinatown Business Association 之facebook 網頁,向各僑胞作出更新。

On behave of the Manchester China Business Association, we are now announce this public notice to calling for all Chinese families and community members.

Recently, there are many reports of white Europeans who are targeting Chinese homes… they knock on the doors of Chinese homes force their way in and have the occupants at knife point, many have been elderly. Some reported that the individuals have quoted themselves as police officer. They know Chinese keep cash and valuables at home and they ransack the home… at knife point they get the victim to divulge bank details, card numbers etc… warn everyone you know … DO NOT OPEN YOUR DOOR!.. If any suspicious individuals calling on your door, please ask for the police warren card, or calling the local police station for verification.

There has been reports which stated that the police in Glasgow has arrested a number of individuals, where they have addresses of Chinese homes which they have getting from somewhere, Please spread the word… This is happening up and down the country… Please warn all your families, stay safe.

感谢提醒, 在英国, 一般情况不要开门.


那几个中文广告网站, 往鸟 ,我觉得不怎么安全, 前段时间电话诈骗的,我觉得就是那个网站上电话号码被滥用了/
