
RT,想明确下砖墙结构和管道电缆分布, 问了物业公司,给的回复说他们没有建筑平面图。

6 Ways to Find Floor Plans of a House
Here are some ways that you can locate the original floor plans of your home:

  1. Contact your Local Permit Agency or Records Office
    These kinds of places often keep copies or records of floor plans, even years after the home has been built. Contact them beforehand to find out what information you will need to provide in order to receive a copy of the blueprints.

  2. Visit the Local Planning or Zoning Office
    Going to a local planning or zoning office will not only get you a copy of the property’s plan but also will show you the entire property itself. But again, make sure to call ahead to see if you need any documentation to access these records.

  3. Call Your Builder or Architect
    Generally, the original builder or architect of the house will have a copy of the blueprints. Large contractors will keep copies of the blueprints which can be easily accessed. However, it can sometimes be hard to locate the builders, especially if your house is older. A good way to find out who might have a copy of the blueprints is by looking at the original mortgage paperwork.

  4. Check with Your Real Estate Agent
    The listing agents may have a copy of the blueprints. And even if they don’t, many will be happy to help you locate them.

  5. Ask Your Neighbors
    Many neighborhoods are built by the same contractor. One of your neighbors might know where the best place to find the blueprints is. Also, with similar houses, they might have many of the same features. So if all else fails you can make a copy of their blueprints.

  6. Just Look Around!
    Many times with older houses, it’s not uncommon for people to find old plans in basements or attics. You’ll hear stories of new owners finding 100 year old blueprints when moving in. It’s a long shot, but when you have an older home it might be one of the only ways to get the original plans. So go treasure hunting in your attic, you never know what you could find. If you are thinking about remodeling or buying a new home, it is crucial that you obtain the floor plans for the home in order to save yourself a maintenance headache down the line.



管道电缆分布 不太可能有的。

我们是直接从开发商手里买的一手新房。 也没有管道电缆分布图的,但交房时候有说是如何走向的。都是直上直下,天花板里走线的。

平面图是有的,有包括哪些是承重墙。 承重墙厚度可能不一样。TIMBER FRAME的,承重的通常只有外圈的,我家L型房子,内部也有一堵。 据说通过屋顶内部也可以看出来 承重墙在哪里。


不过就算有,也是和平面图合在一起的。这个平面图不是普通买房子时候中介给画的平面图,是大的 A1开面图纸。 开发商是Cala homes, 他们造的量不大(和Barrat Persimmon 比的话),查了GOOGLE,新闻里倒也是称为 one of the UK’s largest housebuilders。




电线还是比较容易避开的,如果是按照规矩做的电线在墙内部走向应该是垂直的,看看插座和开关基本就知道电线布线是怎么样的,另外你可以买个live wire detector测一下。

麻烦的是现在很多房子用的塑料水管,metal detector检测不出来。