Buy to let 上税问题

Buy to let 交税时我知道贷款利息可以抵扣,我选择固定利率,每两年review一次,每次银行都会产生一千镑左右的费用,请问这个费用可以和利息一样抵税吗?谢谢指教!


Strictly speaking, this is capital cost. It cannot be used to offset income, however it can be used to offset capital appreciation when CGT is calculated.

Finance costs includes mortgage interest, interest on loans to buy furnishings and fees incurred when taking out or repaying mortgages or loans. No relief is available for capital repayments of a mortgage or loan.

所以product fee是跟interest一起算的,每年可抵额度降低25%,直到2020年降到0

这政策个对basic rate tax payer 来讲没什么区别吧, 还是可以全部抵扣
对于higher rate tax payer区别就很大了

主要是tax return时候填表的数额不一样
tax return表要填对,不然HMRC可能会找你茬

这个还真不知道, 具体哪里需要注意?