如果购买第四套房,成为portfolio landlord 后申请贷款和普通申请贷款有什么不同,需要提交什么材料?

看报纸说,如果购买第四套房,成为portfolio landlord 后申请贷款难度会大增。请问和普通申请BTL贷款有什么不同,需要提交什么材料?有什么经验可以分享么?

应该不会太难吧?这几天在给一个客户做self assessment申报,看他七套房子,每套都有贷款。

想问下,如果夫妻共有,怎么申报这个房租? 如果是一人一半的话,在表上填,收入和费用都是一半吗。


Property jointly-owned by married couples or civil partners
There are special tax rules for jointly-owned property for married couples and civil partners who live together.

The tax rules say that income from jointly owned property must be split and taxed in equal shares (50:50).

If you own the property in unequal shares, the income from it can be apportioned based on those shares and taxed on that basis. You would need to demonstrate and provide proof that you are entitled to receive income generated from the property in unequal shares rather than split 50:50.

To notify HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), you should complete a declaration of beneficial interests in joint property and income (form 17).
