

两方面的问题,planning permission和building regulation compliance。如果是planning permission,四年council没有找过麻烦那就legal了。building regulation compliance就是保证满足最基本的建筑要求,如果没有这方面的证书,你住着放心就行。 {:5_142:}

你最好让卖家准备 lawful certificate之类的东西,否则以后有不可知的麻烦。


成龙大哥说的不准确。PP是四年追诉期,前提是residential dwelling。Building reg是无限期,就是说必须要拿到,否则随时可能会被要求强拆,而且是自己负担成本。这房子不能买的。

虽然Building reg是无限期,但不能要求以前盖的房子满足现在的regulation吧,如果按照现在的regulation,很多上100年老房子根本达不到,所以说得看盖房子时候的regulation是什么样的。

咱两个说的不是同一个问题,无限期是指追诉期,也就是Council随时都可以执法,要求强拆,而且成本是现任房主承担。所以这房不能买,因为贬值风险极大,除非买方打算把现有改建全部拆除,重新申请Building reg。

你说的是弥补措施,即联系council,尝试获得Building reg,市政厅可以选择按照建造当年的reg来给,也可以选择现行的reg,但实务中多数都是按照现行的,因为过错方不在council,没必要体谅不易。如果达到不了现行标准,Council又知道了,强拆令很快也会发出来,council不知不作为,知道了肯定要动作的。

按现在标准,10年前所有房子墙和屋顶必须再加一层保暖。 不翻新就不用按新标准。



各个firm要求不同 我们律所要卖方提供近10年的

我最近买房也遇到这个问题。咨询了律师,律师给的答案是12个月以内可以随时执法,过了12个月就要证明房子存在明显安全隐患,要法庭发injunction才能执行, 这个追诉期是没有期限的,但是过了十年以后,法庭签发injunction的几率很低,因为默认十年屹立不倒的工程应该不会存在显著安全隐患。以下是律师给的summary。

What is the relevant legislation?
The Building Regulations regime in England and Wales derives from two main statutory instruments made under the Building Act 1984 (BA 1984): Building Regulations 2010 (SI 2010/2214) (BR 2010). Building (Approved Inspectors etc.) Regulations 2010 (SI 2010/2215) (Approved Inspectors Regulations 2010).

Enforcement options
If a person carrying out building work contravenes the Building Regulations, the local authority building control service may do each or any of the following:
 Serve an enforcement notice (see Enforcement notices).
 Apply for an injunction (see Injunctions).
Even if a local authority does not take enforcement action, it will not issue a completion certificate to confirm compliance with the Building Regulations. This may cause the property owner problems when it comes to sell the property, although a property owner may be able to obtain a “regularisation certificate”.

Enforcement notices
A local authority building control service has the power to serve an enforcement notice on a building owner to require the removal or alteration of work that does not comply with the Building Regulations (section 36 (1)-(5), BA 1984).
The enforcement notice must be served within 12 months from the date of completion of the building work that is in breach. The date that building work is completed is a question of fact.

The enforcement notice will give the building owner 28 days to carry out the required work, failing which the local authority can carry out the work at the cost of the owner/occupier.

Whether a local authority building control service serves an enforcement notice under section 36 of the BA 1984, it can also apply for an injunction for the removal or alteration of any work on the ground that it contravenes any regulation or other provision of the BA 1984 (section 36(6), BA 1984).

The grant of an injunction is at the court’s discretion. The High Court’s jurisdiction is derived from section 37(1) of the Senior Courts Act 1981. This provides that an injunction may be granted where it appears to be just and
convenient to do so. An application for an injunction may be made by the local authority, the Attorney General or anyone else. There is no time limit for an application for an injunction.

Injunctions not widely used to enforce Building Regulations
Traditionally, injunctions have not been widely used to enforce Building Regulations because of the cost involved, both in terms of time and resources. Injunctions tend to be used for those situations that are urgent and where the cost can be justified by the risk of serious danger to health and safety (for example, where a nightclub or cinema is at risk of


建议楼主即使要买,也要做一个building survey。检查其结构安全性。

买indemnity insurance是可以满足贷款的要求,但是好像并不会保你被拆后重新盖的cost。如果扩建已经完成很多年都没问题出现,council去拆的可能性极低。如果你请的surveyor都发现不了什么问题,council应该也不会没事去拆房子吧。所以indeminity insruance看起来是很鸡肋的一个东西。





