关于Tier 2 new entry 的几个问题,请大家帮帮忙!

看了一遍T2的要求,还是有几个地方不确定,想咨询一下。大概就是家里有个亲戚想来英国读书,国内本科是会计,想明年来英国读硕士或是ACCA,有工作经验在国内。将来毕业后想留在英国工作,但是她毕业后应该超过26岁了。所以想问如果年龄超过26岁是不是一定要读硕士,应届毕业后才算new entry level?如果读ACCA算同等学历吗?

既然有工作经验了,念完书从T4转T2直接找experiance的工作就好了,为什么还要找entry level的工作?



The new entrant pay threshold reflects the fact that people in the early stages of their career are generally paid less than their more experienced counterparts. Unless the CoS is assigned for more than 3 years, the new entrant threshold can be paid if you have met the resident labour market test by carrying out a milkround, or the migrant is changing (‘switching’) into Tier2(General) and was last granted leave to enter or stay in the UK under any of
the following:

Tier 1 (Post-study work)

Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur)

the International Graduates Scheme

the Fresh Talent Working in Scotland Scheme

the Science and Engineering Graduates Scheme

Tier 4 or as a student and they have fully completed either:

a course of study leading to a UK recognised bachelors or master’s degree

a course of study leading to a UK Postgraduate Certificate in Education

a Professional Graduate Diploma of Education

a minimum of 12 months study in the UK towards a UK PhD

Note: that from 12 November 2015, only migrants whose last sponsor was any of the following:
a UK recognised body or a body in receipt of public funding as
a higher education institution from the Department of
Employment and Learning in Northern Ireland, the Higher
Education Funding Council for England, the Higher Education
Funding Council for Wales or the Scottish Funding Council
an overseas higher education institution to undertake a short-term study abroad programme in the UK
an Embedded College offering Pathway Courses

will be able to switch into Tier 2 (General) category from within the UK

照我看和从前的一样,门框反而还降低了一点,26岁以下可以直接算new entrant

说实话,就算new entry 都不好找,再找工资高的,是凭空给自己增加难度。估计她们家里人并不想她长期留下来,但是希望她多些外面工作的经验,我就是帮忙看,具体的还是看人家自己决定

我查了一些T2 的资料,因为自己没有涉及这一块的签证,所以真的完全不熟悉。感觉16年以后,T2的要求对应届毕业生似乎还宽松了一点,希望我没理解错。因为我有自己的公司,说实话,作为雇主,new entry的薪资我还愿意去尝试雇佣EU以外的人员,如果是experienced的,那对其要求就真的要高好多,应届的毕业生不值。不过这只是我个人的感受,而且我公司不再london,薪资上没法跟london比。
