

不好意思,看到很多朋友要,我这周一直在travelling, 等我周末回来把form上的company information去掉,然后统一发给你们的邮箱。



First, you must know what the job requirements are, i.e. what specific skills and experience are required for this job, you have to provide examples to demonstrate your skills that are relevant to this role that you applied for.

Second, you have to think on your feet and ideally give real examples from your own experience and make sure that are relevant to the job requirements.

More importantly, you have to prepare before the interview to make sure you got enough examples against each competency that will be asked in the interview. Talk them out loudly and don’t just plan this in your head, it does make a difference in the interview if you have fully prepared and practised vocally before hand.

The examples must be specific-don’t give general answers, e.g. saying ‘I have been doing this all the time …’, as this doesn’t give any useful information to the interviewer at all. The structure of the answer can be in a format of ‘Situation, Behaviour, and Result’, as long as you follow this route and know exactly what you are going to talk about, you will be fine.

谢谢 谢谢。 如果职位需要make decision skills. If you were the candidate and you were asked to give an example how you make a decision, how would you respond?

Health care?哪家?

Then you just give an example of a time when you make a decision, this is also to test your analysing skills under complicated situation.

I don’t think you need to give a summary before the example, you just talk about your example straightaway.

First-describing what situation it is, making it clear how it was complicated/difficult for someone to make a decision. Be specific, and don’t do general talking, that’s why you should think about a real example from your experience as it would put you at ease because you don’t have to make things up.

Second, more importantly, focus on what you actually did to resolve the situation, i.e. your own behaviour/action. You need to approach this in a logic way, talking through your thought process including maybe a couple of options of solutions to the problems, analysing the advantages/disadvantages under each options that you considered, and then saying you choose the one with the best possible outcome and talking through the reasons why you would go ahead this it. As long as you approach this in a logic way, making it clear what the difficulty is and how your analysed it and made your decision, and be fully prepared/ practised in your own words, the interview will be happy with your answer.

Finally, briefly describe what the result was of the matter. It should be a positive outcome, e.g. you made a wise decision and the matter has been resolved effectively/the positive impact on other people involved in this and the positive feedback from these people.

This is just an example of how your approach the competency based interview. Overall, for each example, just follow ‘Situation, Behaviour and Result’ route, you will find it a lot easier.

@zhitou2012 谢谢精彩详细的解说, 棒棒哒

话说谁弄的“回复本帖可获得 2 两银子奖励! 每人限 1 次”这怎么弄的?

我copy email address 就copy 了很久,要是我漏了那个MM/GG, 不好意思,跟我说声,我再补发。 {:5_142:}





