请问High income child benefit charge 是个什么, 可以解释下吗?

今天收到一封HM Hign income child benefit charge 的信。 要求PAY 三年的CHARGE。原因是我老公换了个工作,工资变高了。(但就是头三年)。 Our records indicate that you did not register to receive a self assessment tax return for the tax years ended 5 April 2014,2015 and 2016. 请问这个Self assessment tax return 是个什么, 接 下来我该怎么做。

这个大概意思就是我该把BENEFIT还给HM是吗? 但不知道CANCEL掉,会不会影响我的national insurance credit. 我现在在家是全职妈妈。也想出去找工作。 但孩子实在没人管。也担心老了退休金没着落。 有2个孩子的妈妈 national insurance credit 可以credit 几多年呢?


没有自雇工作, 也没分开。有什么说法吗

就是觉得英国税法好奇怪, 收税时按个人收入收, 法国的税是从家庭出发的。

如果是你的名字,你就回信说你是家庭主妇,没有额外收入,所以就不需要开self assessment account,如果你自雇有收入,就需要开一个自己报税的账户,高于最低门栏就得补税。


这和child benefit 无关。当然如果高于门栏,你就打电话说收入,人家就会停发,发多的部分,你给回去就是了。

只要有一个人超过50千就会CB就会逐渐收回,到60千就没有了CB。If your income is between £50,000 and £60,000, the income tax charge will be 1% of your Child Benefit for every £100 of income between £50,000 and £60,000. The charge will never be more than the amount of Child Benefit you receive.



你老公如果工资超过50k, 如果你拿child benefit 的话,他需要做self assessment 以 high income benefit charge 的方式把钱还回去。这样你照旧claim child benefit 虽然对家庭来说没有进账。但可以保障你的NI credit.

谢谢各位达人,其实老公扣税后供一家四口人的开销,真没多少结余。 我还是得找工作开源。有谁知道 NI credit 可以保障多少年。 是12年还是16年?

如果你没有工作,就该继续申请那这个child benefit。但是让你老公每年做self-assessment把该退的退了。这样你每拿一年就等于有一年NI记录。

claim cb under your name, and return it every year. then you will entitle your statement pension at age of 65

好像这个CB只能给到孩子12岁还是16岁y就停止了, 不知道它是只cover这多年的NI,停止后就不COVER了吧。 大家说的50千是税前还是税后呀。

Your Child Benefit stops on 31 August on or after your child’s 16th birthday if they leave education or training. It continues if they stay in approved education or training, but you must tell the Child Benefit Office. £50k is taxable income.

Did they only ask you to pay the high income charge back or did they also ask you to pay penalty in addition to the high income charge?