咨询buy to let,加名字的税费问题。急急急,谢谢大神们

本人和先生名下有一套房子自己居住,现在buy to let 又买了一套房子,贷款只在先生名下,所以未来的deeds 上也只能有他一个人的名字。现在想将buy to let 这套房子 deeds 变更为99+1,即99转在我名下,这样除了律师费,stamp duty 是不是很高啊?有什么更好的建议吗


If you have an existing mortgage on the home, simply adding the individual without the mortgage company’s knowledge may violate your mortgage terms and you still remain responsible for the mortgage payments.

有贷款的更名 需要先经过银行的同意


Any decent property lawyer will be able to find a solution for you. If he (she) cannot, he (she) will be able to find someone who can.