在英国签证卡(BRP)丢了怎么办 急!!


首先第一个问题,申请表格上说"A police report for the theft or loss if one was issued. If there is no police report, you will
need to provide the police reference number for the reported theft or loss." 但是我联络了当地警局, 人家无法提供?!这是怎么回事??有跟我一样的吗?
不过官方给我发邮件又有这样的话"Please note if the Permit Holder is unable to obtain a Police Crime Reference, they will only need to provide us with an explanation of the circumstances at the appropriate section of the BRP (RC) Application Form." 我已经混乱了

还有第二个问题, 我才来两个月,然后上面说
We can accept a BRP(RC) application without a passport or travel document in the following
• the BRP(RC) application is made for a straight like-for-like replacement of a lost / stolen BRP or
ISD (there are no change of personal details etc),
• The initial BRP or ISD was issued less than two years ago
• In all other circumstances your current passport or travel document and Biometric Residence
Permit (BRP) must be provided, unless it is not available for one of the reasons specified on the
application form
是我可以不用寄护照的意思吗? 我觉得好像是但是不太确定?有人能告诉我吗??

“If you have lived at the address above for less than five years please provide your previous
address details and the dates you lived there.” 我才来英国两个多月 没换过住址 是不是不用填?还是填以前中国的?

还有这个 是不是选下面其中几个就行了
Proof of your identity by supplying any number of the documents identified below which confirm
your name and address. Please indicate the items you are sending by ticking the boxes
UK driving licence
council tax letters
letter(s) confirming tenancy or mortgage payments
electricity, gas or water bills
letter(s) from employer(s) confirming employment
letter(s) confirming registration with a doctor


有很多地方不知道该怎么填, 官网上也没说, 真不知道该怎么办了!! {:5_145:}

你去警察局,拿着护照去报案,如果你有BPR的影印件和签证时给你的回函,也带一起去。排队到你了,就说BRP遗失,他们会问你什么时候,怎样遗失的,你说个大概时间和地点就行了,然后他们会给你一个 police report,上面有 reference number,拿这个去内政部补办签证。

我拿这个reference number补办过其他东西。但是没有弄过补办签证,所以其他的不太清楚。护照应该要寄过去吧,住址就填以前中国的,另外你肯定需要学校出具一封注册信,原来的CAS信应该也需要。有住房合同,也交上其复印件。还有BPR的影印件和签证时给你的回函的复印件。


我问警察局他们说现在不给报告了也是醉了…还有我是Tier4签证 不知道会不会有什么不一样的地方…学校那边先是申请了两个文件 看来得再发邮件问问…谢谢你的回复!

不报告的话,你报案也应该会有个reference number,有那个号码也行

还有没有人来帮忙啊~在这个贴里说说以后有人搜相关信息也能看到啊对不对 {:5_145:} 做好事~ 谢谢大家


我的brp 是在西班牙旅游被偷了 回来后重新申请,把所有东西寄去给他们之后, 要等两个月多才能拿到新的,这个期间哪儿都去不了,因为护照也要提供给他们。

首先第一个问题,当地警局, 换一个警察局,要报案的reference number就可以了
不过官方邮件说要你提供是怎么不见brp 卡,就要手写一份报告告知他们就是不见了,去学校上课不见了,在宿舍找不到了,去夜店弄丢了。

We can accept a BRP(RC) application without a passport or travel document in the following
• the BRP(RC) application is made for a straight like-for-like replacement of a lost / stolen BRP or
ISD (there are no change of personal details etc), 你的个人信息没有变,你要申请一张替代卡因为你的brp 不见了或者被偷了
• The initial BRP or ISD was issued less than two years ago原始卡 是两年前发放的 (这个我也不清楚)
• In all other circumstances your current passport or travel document and Biometric Residence
Permit (BRP) must be provided, unless it is not available for one of the reasons specified on the
application form
要寄护照给他们,因为除了brp 护照就是你在英国另外一个唯一的photo id 可以证明你的身份

"If you have lived at the address above for less than five years please provide your previous
address details and the dates you lived there."就填以前住过的地址 按照实际填写就可以

最后一个问题,我觉得就是学校的信最可靠或者bank statement 都有你的姓名和地址
Proof of your identity by supplying any number of the documents identified below which confirm
your name and address. Please indicate the items you are sending by ticking the boxes
UK driving licence
council tax letters
letter(s) confirming tenancy or mortgage payments
electricity, gas or water bills
letter(s) from employer(s) confirming employment
letter(s) confirming registration with a doctor

多谢回复!不过我之前给警察局那边发邮件问, 他们说"Unfortunately we don’t process lost property so we would be unable to provide you with a report or reference number. " 这可咋整! 不过我也发邮件给BRPLOST那边问了,看看那边咋说把。哎,我最近还得准备final,好忙,不想警察局白跑一趟。。。不过我不是很急 也就6月回国

请问您现在这个reference number的问题解决了吗?我遇到了一样的问题!很着急不知道该怎么办!