这是要逼人入籍的节奏么? - 永居贴纸若不在当前护照,不被认可right to work document


CBTM10130 - Residence and Immigration: Immigration - People not subject to immigration control
People who are not subject to immigration control
You should normally accept that the following people are not subject to immigration control and that the general exclusion does not, therefore apply to them:

British passport holders and people with dual nationality, provided their passport is marked ‘British citizen’ or ‘holder is entitled to readmission to the UK’ or ‘holder has a right of abode in the UK’
Holders of another passport, which is marked ‘British Citizen’ or ‘given leave to enter the UK for an indefinite period’ or ‘given leave to enter or remain in the UK for an indefinite period’ or ‘there is at present no time limit on the holder’s stay in the UK’.
Nationals of any country which belongs to the European Economic Area (EEA), namely Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Bulgaria, Romania and the UK.
Nationals of Switzerland
People who have been granted refugee status (See CBTM10140 for more details about refugees).
people who have been granted humanitarian protection or discretionary leave to remain in the UK (on the asylum side, both categories replaced exceptional leave to remain in the UK in April 2003), including those granted temporary protection in the UK under EC rules governing displaced persons (Directive 2001/55/EC).


我也觉得lz提供的那份官方文件前后不搭,我的理解是这份文件是针对rigjt of work的,有局限性,在这个框架里永居纸持有者是subject to immigration control的,只有这么理解这份文件才能说的通!可能ukvi也是想把人搞糊涂吧!

楼主,请问护照寄出后多久能回来? 2个礼拜能回来不?
多谢多谢 {:5_143:}

这就不知道了。。。。 我还没碰上这样的情况。

只知道手里碰上的那几个学生,换BRP卡,说是要8-10weeks. …

楼主,我想问一下,现在换工作, 永居签证在旧护照上的还是要立刻换BRP卡是么?home office right to work政策没变吧?



哇,这么老的贴都被挖出来了。 {:5_136:}

永居签证在旧护照上的 换 还是不换 BRP卡 你得自己决定。 home office right to work政策没变。 如果是贴纸的,贴纸必须在 current passport/document 上 过期护照上的贴纸不作数,不能当作可以证明在英国有权利工作的证明。(进出英国境没问题)

在申请换BPR卡期间 可以被雇佣。 你保留好申请的各种证据,在被要求出示 right to work document时候 和老永居贴纸 一起出示,并且书面授权用人单位可以用employer checking service 和UKVI 查证申请已经递交 就可以。

不排除 个别业务水平不够,或是怕麻烦的用人单位 会坚持要求等收到后才能入职的情况。

感谢楼主分享,因为刚遇到这个情况查了旧贴。 {:5_137:}

那我等正式offer下来再递交super premium service吧,多交钱希望能快点下来!



你求职的地方现在还没要求看right to work吗?
我们单位是没有过right to work check之前只给conditional offer。subject to passing right to work check.

目前的操作是 按UKVI Covid-19要求,2步走: (1) 网络面试 通过后,发conditional offer,同时要求再连线查看passport/documents, 截图,然后新员工把 scanned copy of passport/documents Email 发送过来。 都符合条件了就可以发正式合同。 (2) 等可以回去上班了,再复验所有证件,复印留底。

对的。这个很容易理解。毕竟要多好几个步骤,要问员工要consent, 要联系UKVI employer checking service,要等结果,等员工最后卡拿到了,还得再查一遍卡, 白白增加HR工作量 - 时间成本,经济成本,也不讨好(因为没人会感谢你 go the extra mile) 还不如就干脆把负担踢给员工,有卡才行,就没有中间多出来的那么多步骤。

我只是收到了口头offer, 正式的估计要下周才能处理完,还没要求看right to work. 我周末赶紧提交了BRP transfer的网上申请表,太倒霉了现在super priority预约都没有了,只有standard route, 而且UKVCAS看不到任何appointment。要是新雇主下周和我要right to work怎么办呀?不知你们HR最近疫情期间招人,有没有exemptions? 例如我提交证明我已经提交BRP卡申请了,可否符合right to work的标准呀?

这个已经递交可以承认的规定有没有home office link?,如果对方不认,我可以发给对方HR看看 {:5_145:}


现在没有加急的服务了 {:5_145:}

不知你们HR最近疫情期间招人,有没有exemptions?<-- 没有。 right to work 还是要查,只是先video 查,然后到了能回办公室的时候还是要再当面查。

你已经提交BRP卡申请了,把UKVI给的 reference number 给雇主,同时同一封email 里,give full consent to xxxxx for verifying the application with UKVI as required. 凭这个授权,HR可以自己直接联系UKVI (employer checking service),UKVI 给出确认的话,可以管用6个月 (5个工作日要出结果)。 6个月里基本都可以出结果了,结果出来就按普通的right to work check走一遍就可以。

人家不愿意去和UKVI 查的话,可能会拿这个来压你。



感谢感谢 {:5_137:}




