


法国的话是要的,只有配偶才可以一起跟EU nationals一起免签,请看这里
Note that children and parents of EU Nationals still require visas to travel to France. It’s also the case for the spouses of British citizens as their residence permit does not bear the endorsement " family member of EEA national" as required by the art. 10 of the European Council/Parliament Directive 2004/38 CE.


太谢谢了! 我咋没看见呢 。。。
Pursuant to the Directive 2004/38, family members (spouse, dependent children under the age of 21 or direct dependent parent) of EU Nationals do not require a visa to travel to France if:

  • their UK residency states “Family Member of an EEA national” or “permanent residence card”,
  • and they are travelling with their EU relative or meeting them in France.

他们也真是,不在这里注明, 太混乱了。。。


谢谢你的回复。 我给TLScontract写信了,可是他们没有回复我。 我本身拿得是中国护照+PR. 我父母的欧盟家属签证是跟我老公的关系办的。
请问你是给哪里写的信呢?方便给我个E-mail吗?大约多少天他们回信的? 谢谢啦!

TLScontact Team <[email protected]>


因为他们是持有EEA2签证,法国使馆明确答复,只要与这个EEA NATIONAL的任何family member出行都可以,而你就是family member之一,所以你们全家出行是没问题的,但这是他们给我的答复,不排除其他海关人有不同意见。所以最好你也是将你的情况写信他们得到明确答复就比较安全了。我之前去其他国家玩也是。海关明确说幸好有这个信,否则他们要查好几分钟才会让我进去。

Dear Applicant,

Based on the information you have provided and the information on the HOME PAGE;
Pursuant to the Directive 2004/38, family members (spouse, dependent children under the age of 21 or direct dependent parent) of EU Nationals do not require a visa to travel to France if:

  • their UK residency states “Family Member of an EEA national” or “permanent residence card”
  • and they are travelling with their EU relative or meeting them in France.
    Attention: The French Consulate in London advise the holders of a “permanent residence card” to apply for a short stay visa in order to facilitate their border crossing and their circulation within the Schengen space. To avoid unnecessary problems whilst travelling it is advisable to carry along evidence of family relationship.
    You should be free to travel with your EU/EEA child.
    Kind Regards
    TLScontact Team



请问楼主父母是如何申请到EEA2签证的呀,我拿的也是EEA2签证,可是不清楚如何给自己父母申请。 多谢。

我也是拿的EEA2 ,前年我想为我妈妈申请EEA 1 ,被拒签了。理由是我妈妈国内退休金高,有房产,不符合需要在英国的女儿和女婿的照顾。你看看你父母的条件,如果能证明你父母必须依靠你,他们才能申请EEA。