有人知道回國補辦BRP卡要 多久嗎?還有需要什麼材料?

有人知道回國補辦BRP卡要 多久嗎?還有需要什麼材料?我拿的是PSW簽證,回國補辦資料會麻煩嗎?
最近在補辦BRP卡,都補辦2個月 了,等得我快瘋掉,而且急着回國,現在打算取消補辦了,直接拿護照回國再補辦BRP卡

BRP卡只可以在英国境内补办。你现在回国的话,只可以在国内申请一个允许你入境英国的一次性签证(Replacement BRP visa),然后在入境一个月之内申请补办。

但是这个签证是给在英国境外丢失BRP的人准备的。具体你是否可以取消这里的正在补办的一切手续,回国后申请Replacement BRP visa回到英国,然后再重新提交补办申请,这就不得而知了。UKBA网上也没有这方面的说明。

那知道通常補辦卡要多久嗎?我7月11號按的指紋,現在都快4週了,再等還真不知道等到什麼時候,試過發郵件給[email protected] 很明顯他還沒開始幫我辦卡,現在還真不知道還要等到啥時候來:cn09:



I think if you apply for it in China, it would already pass the three month’s deadline. When you reported it lost, have to apply for the replcement within 3 months.

I applied for replacement in May, did biometrics on 29th May, still waiting to get doc and card back. My visa is PSW too…

The timing issue is a good point. However, another key issue is the BRP holder only can reply replacement card inside the UK. LZ has to apply a temporary entry permit – BRP replacement VISA in China. This VISA only allow him/her travel back to the UK to apply a new card.

… HO works quite slowly, and it has strike currently… got no idea when to get all the thing back…



No, nothing back from UKBA yet. I made complaintment one month ago, they wrote to me saying they can confirm they received my application on xx, received my biometric successfully on xx, but due to blabla, I can only wait… but they can confirm this time that there had been a caseworker allocated to my case, while two weeks ago whe I heart back from my MP he said there hadnt been a caseworker yet…