
7月27日给HOME OFFICE 打电话,接线员还说还没有completed,会给处理我case的发email询问,但是我那天也给BRP Delivery 发了邮件,问我的BRP是否邮寄,人家给我回复:说我的BPR 在3-7个工作日会到!
个人觉得home office的那个电话基本查不出啥来,有点糊弄人!
反正现在在处理四月指纹,大家可以给BRP Delivery发email,如果没有邮寄他会说你应该问home office。

你是在完全不知道签证有没有批下来的情况下,就直接去问BRP Delivery了?


对呀,每次问home office都问不出啥来,发邮件也不回。我等得太长时间了,所以就个BRP delivery发了信,7月初的时候发过一次,BRP delivery也回了,就告诉我还问home office,给了email 地址和电话。


要怎么问。我还真的不知道……麻烦请问 LZ你怎么问的 是打电话报自己的reference no。么


[email protected]



汇报LZ 我早上也给BRP delivery 发邮件了。很快收到邮件问我要了各种信息。然后刚才收到邮件说 我的BRP会在next 3-7 working day delivery。然后说如果我在10个工作日只能如果还没收到 就让我再联系他们。嗯 谢谢LZ。希望这个BRP部门靠谱。

发过两次了 给我同样的回复 。。。而且都是废话

Thank you for your enquiry.

At present we are experiencing high volumes of applications, resulting in some delays.

The UKBA are working to resolve the backlog & you should be updated in due course.

We are unable to provide progress reports on applications submitted within the last six months. If you have submitted your application more than six months ago, you should re-direct your enquiry to the Immigration Enquiry Bureau on 0870 606 7766.

Please do not reply to this email.

Thank you

BRP Management Unit

你是什么时候摁的指纹吖?我是4月16号摁的指纹。我今天有收到他们的邮件 觉得还挺靠谱的。邮件如下:

Thank you for your enquiry regarding the delivery of your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP).

Your BRP should be delivered within the next 3-7 working days.

If you have not received your BRP within 10 working days, please re-contact us and we will investigate.

Deliveries take place between 8am and 6pm.

Please note that on delivery the courier will require proof of identity (such as your passport, driving licence or bank card) and a signature to confirm receipt of the package.

You are advised not to make any travel arrangements until you have received your BRP.

Thank you
BRP Management Unit

我4月7号的指纹 一头的包 。。。


说明你的case 还在caseworker那里,还没到BRP,慢慢等吧!

这个是专门邮寄BRP的呀,哈哈,当然靠谱。如果你的BRP还没到他们那,他们是官方回复让你问home office的那些话。

我是3月28号摁的指纹, 等待中, 也想发邮件问问. 只是不知道该怎样写? 请指点.

已经等了4个半月了 上周10号 15号 按指纹 的都收到了 我才急了

呵呵,我都等了快七个月了,上次打电话问为什么有人早收到了,人家说每个case depends on 不同的team,我觉得说的都是rubbish,没办法,UK算是让我见识到多么的效率低下!