new flat in Halifax and extension work in pe28 ( 基本每日每周更新进展直至项目完成,也可以电话交流)

The first floor hallway plasteting already dry

Plasteting in part of the Kitchen

We reparing the Ceiling of Living room

Sanding another two walls and put the first coat painting

The first coat painting is done, except the Ceiling

We sanding the Ceiling of the Living room and after give the first coat

5-6k only for the cost of material, you labour not included…right?

Ceiling of Living room.has been Sanded

Part of the Kitchen has been painted

Simple first coat on the hallway

Two rooms up stairs prepared for second coat paint

The first coat on the Ceiling of the Living room

The Living room looks much better after the first coat paint

The Cost of the materiałs is not too much, and me and my friends are builders, that is why Our labour cost is not that much, Total cost will be around 7000 to 8000, we will not change the Kitchen and bathroom, so the cost is Lowe for us because we decide to change two Windows and the front door, because it is Our investment flat for sale in 1 Month

We do not change the skirting board even, if you Would need to do a proper job, it will cost more for sure, we will not to do too much works in this flat, we brought this. Flat for around 49000 and plan to sell it for 72000 73000, we Would spend maximum 10000 on the top, this place is near to Halifax not London

We Brought plasterboard, rewiring stuff, PVA, some insulation, sockets painting Tools and paint, Sand paper. 16 bags Multifinish and Bonding, 3 bags of cement, we have all the Tools, that is why Our cost is even lower

We have another time delivery of two Windows and one front door and 4 buckets of paint and 2 cans of high Gross,two cans of wood filler for Wooden door Frame, door and skirting board

Before paint the second coat on the Living room Ceiling, we Sand the Ceiling again

After the first coat and Lots of reparing works the Living room looks better

We focus on the Living room for last 9 days, there are many details i have not even show them on the pictures