
一般都知道如果没有工作,没有房子可以申请house benefit 。但是如果有房贷,但是失业之间怎么办。

今天介绍Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI)
If you’re a homeowner getting certain income related benefits you might be able to get help towards interest payments on:
•your mortgage
•loans you’ve taken out for certain repairs and improvements to your home

This help is paid as part of your benefit and is called Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI).

SMI is normally paid direct to your lender. You can’t get help towards the amount you borrowed - only the interest.

  1. What you’ll get

If you qualify for Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI), you’ll get help paying the interest on up to £200,000 of your loan or mortgage. If you’re getting Pension Credit, this figure is £100,000.

If you’re already getting SMI and move to Pension Credit within 12 weeks of stopping your other benefits, you’ll still get help with interest on up to £200,000.

The standard interest rate used to calculate SMI is 3.12%. From 18 June 2017 the rate will be 2.61%.

How SMI is paid

SMI is normally paid direct to your lender following a waiting period. For most benefits, this is 39 weeks after you claim benefit. It’s usually paid on the same day as your benefit.

Universal Credit

If you’re claiming Universal Credit, you need to have claimed benefit and paid your mortgage for 9 months before you can get SMI. You’ll get your SMI payment in the 10th month.

Pension Credit

If you’re on Pension Credit, there is no waiting period.

What’s not included

SMI can’t help you pay:
•the amount you borrowed - only the interest on your mortgage
•anything towards insurance policies you have
•missed mortgage payments (arrears)

Time limits

If you’re getting income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance and apply for the first time or started getting SMI after 5 January 2009, you can only get help for 2 years.

There’s no limit to how long you can get SMI if you’re getting:
•Income Support
•income-related Employment and Support Allowance
•Pension Credit
•Universal Credit

  1. Eligibility

You must be getting one of the following benefits to qualify for Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI):
•Income Support
•income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
•income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
•Pension Credit
•Universal Credit

To check if you’re eligible for SMI, or ask any questions about it, contact:
• Jobcentre Plus if you get Income Support, income-based JSA or income-related ESA
•the Pension Service if you get Pension Credit
•the Universal Credit helpline if you get Universal Credit

  1. How to claim

To claim Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI), contact:
• Jobcentre Plus if you get Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) or income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
•the Pension Service if you get Pension Credit
•the Universal Credit helpline if you get Universal Credit

弱弱的问一句,如果让lender知道业主失业,连利息都让第三方暂时支付,试问lender会怎么处理?? 信用受到影响是肯定的了,

能出租最好。如果不能。worst case ,还是进肯能止损吧




总不能一家人挤一个小房间里啊,另外租出去有收入了income support不得cut吗? {:5_129:}

那就申请Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI).
希望论坛里没有人用得着这个贴子。 {:5_129:}

什么income support? 是low income support吗? 那个是常人能申请的了的吗?祖宗八辈都翻出来。再说那个钱那么少,不够生活


如果没办法的话。也要申请阿。我的确承认你有能力。但是还有好多普通人阿 {:5_145:}

所以说你能力强啊。但是我等钓丝哪有你的头脑啊 {:5_145:}

不是这意思啊。我只是不喜欢被人管东管西。跟能力无关啊 {:5_134:}

不喜欢被人管也的有资本阿 {:5_134:}


住别人房子,是要听别人瞎比比, 但是,你要自己的房子, 你老婆一样要对你瞎比比, 一样, 有什么区别.

哎我去,难道在你心目中我就这智商,山穷水尽时候会去租一个小房间给一家人住? {:5_139:} 哈哈。。。实在不行,找个伦敦郊区单身中年有房的英国人嫁了也比租房间强吧。。。