请问大家Maternity Leave能作为收入吗?

马上要给老公办配偶签的续签了,他的工作是一份全职1300税前,一份是自雇的个体户,刚开始经营2个月,我看条列说自雇要满2年才能满足移民局的要求,我是拿的Maternity Leave,请问这个可以作为收入吗?两个加在一起够18600吗?因为Ml是拿9个多月的,所以是如何计算的呀?

You can meet the financial requirement through:
 Income from employment or self employment of your sponsor
 Income from your employment or self employment if you are in the UK with permission to work
 Certain income from sources other than employment
 State or private pensions of you and your sponsor
 Maternity allowances or bereavement benefits received in the UK
 Cash savings over £16,000.
The amounts required to meet the financial requirement are:
Partner - £18,600
FLR(M) Guidance Notes (Version 04/2017) - Page 9 of 10
1 child in addition to partner - £22,400
2 children in addition to partner - £24,800
3 children in addition to partner - £27,200

条款里写的是MATERNTY Allowance,所以不知道Maternity Leave算不算啊

木有人知道吗? {:5_145:}

Maternity Leave 当然算收入
