
成龙大哥你看我这样跟中介说是不是可以, 不过不好意思,我的英语不太好,应该写得有很多错误.能不能请你看看有什么地方需要修改和增加的吗。

I am unhappy with the dedution for the deposit, the reasons as following

1: For the smoked in house
My husband no smoking. My friends smoked in the garden when they visit us. They never smoked in the house. You can see the ashtray was putted on the garden’s bench.

2: The house haven’t adequate ventilation.
I opened the windows every day which included downs stair and upstairs’ windows. Also I bought dehumidifier. I turn on dehumidifier at least 4 hours every day during the winter. I turn on the dehumidifier as well when the weather was baddly such as rainnny, cold or snowing. Only in summer we didn’t use this machine frequently。这里需不需要我曾经咨询过中介的意见和房东的意见呢,房东的意见是要整天开窗,就是说窗子至少要留一条缝。中介的意见是英国百分之八十的房子都长。

3。For the wall paper cracked.
This is not my responsibility。 I have not peel off the wall paper. The wall paper cracked due to its own reason. Perhaps the wallpaper has been to the age of the change。 Even some wall papaer cracked on the high place.

4。For the mould around window and blinds.
I paid the professional tenancy clean already. Please contact cleaning company to redo the clean if the landlord think the window and blind not clean enough.

5. For the tap closed the windows.
I have been contact landlord to ask the key of the windows around two years ago. I cannot remember the actually time. I try all the windows key which landlord left in the house. However, all the keys cannot lock the upstairs’ window. These key only can used for few window’s of downstair.

The reason for why I have tap closed the wiondow due to my two children climb the windows. One day, they both stood on the wiondowsill. It will very dangous for may they will drop from the window. I asked key to lock the window, however, landlord cannot give me the correct key. I have to protect my children. I didn’t fully tap close the windows. Adult can open the tapped window but children cannot do it.

There were some tap mark or some tap lefted on the window or the wall near the window. I think the cleaning company has the responsibility to clean the tap mark or tap which still on the windowsill.

6. For the replacement of the curtain rail on one bedroom
The original curtain rail was the tiny plastic rail which always dropped on the floor and easy to hit my children. I used rope instand of the rail because its more stable. Also the rail is aged
I only can agree landlord replace the same rail. Please give me the proof show landlord replace the same curtain rail with receipt.

7. For the replacement of shovel.
I didn’t see the shovel miss in the check out report. Landlord left many tool which in his shed. I nevel touched it. Please show me the proof and recepit for the shovel. I only agree pay for the same shovel. I think landlord can find all his tools in his shed.

8. In the check in report, it shows the property has been cleaned to a domestic standard.
I paid the for the Professional end of tenancy clean.

This is the different level to clean. I need claim back the different price between the domestic standard and professional end of tenancy clean.

我当时租的房子也有mould的问题,我反应过,房东在国外基本不理我。check out的时候我和inventory check clerk再次说了一遍,他说这个大部分是房东的责任,不过我在他check的时候就已经把表面mould清理掉了,2镑一瓶喷完基本上就好很多。仔细看check out report,上面没有说是你的责任你都可以不认的。还有在check out前没有做cleaning, 在之后就真心不该付cleaning的钱,因为没人证明你cleaning的情况。

我觉得CHECK OUT偏向房东就是因为在REPORT上把长MOULD的责任全归在我身上子。


还有窗子不能lock那个你别说那么多别说孩子爬窗子的事情,不然他们说你没管好孩子。你只要说,The windows without lock are unsafe for children。就行了。



押金放在第三方了,现在是退房以后的第十四天,房东才把CHECK OUT REPORT和他需要扣的钱给中介,现在中介问我同不同意这个扣法。

如果我不同意,就是去TDS 要求仲裁了


关键点是房子的mould。逻辑是房东没给你钥匙,你要保证孩子的安全,只有封窗户,窗户上部没有通风口(有没有?),但你仍然努力的降低房子的mould发生,比如买除湿机(把收据显示出来),孩子不在家经常开窗,但由于房子本省没有好的通风设,所以mould生长。(Professional 不负责除mould的)。由于房东没给你窗户钥匙,这给你的孩子巨大的危险,在你要求了几次,房东人没有给你钥匙,所以房东没有 take safety responsibility, 这里就有huge invisible loss for you, much more than the cost to remove the mould。
另外,墙纸peel off是reasonable tear and wear.





能咨询下相关的律师吗? 几年前有个朋友的情况几乎跟你的一样,房东各种无中生有,百般刁难。后来朋友找了个律师发了封律师函,结果5,6百的押金马上全额退回。不过她的律师费多少我不清楚。你也试试?


估计如果仲裁结果不如意的话,就要找律师了,因为CHECK OUT的照片都是在没做清洁的时候拍的。我只有中介发来的收据就是做了专业清洁,要扣多少押金。我宁可付律师费也不愿意便宜房东,太恶心人了。

如果从CHECK OUT的相片上来肯定不利于我们,那人简直是哪里脏就往哪里拍



double glazed窗子都有通风不好的问题,楼上说的是trickle vents,不是小窗子。

如果你认为上次check in 时打扫的不够干净,问你的房东要上一次professional cleaning 的收据。如果他给不出来,你可以要求收回你的cleaning fee。


checkout只拍细节那个你不用担心,我跟中介撕过,在tds上我就写明,为啥我搬进来的checkin list上全是大图,没细节图,而checkout list上只有细节图,我那个还是自己打扫的,没请人,你还找人了,别担心。大大方方的把收据放上去。