Offers Over 可以出价多小

看上一个house Offers Over 139,000 今天收到中介寄来的邮件她说 I can advise that the costs regarding the legal work for the purchase of a property at an estimated value of £160,000, including fees, VAT and the standard outlays associated with the purchase - including registration of Title with the Registers of Scotland - would be £1194. We don’t charge for submitting offers or notes of interest我应该出价多小才对


看你自己了, 如果房子已经网上放了久的话, 报低于ASKING PRICE 都行

房东说Offers Over 139,000, 意思就是说他最低139000也可以接受, 但最好越高越好。 其实高个1000,2000 也行, 没人跟你抢的话, 可以先报个139000试试, 被拒的话, 随便加个1000,2000 就行

offers over 说了跟没说一样

offers over 就是瞎扯淡,挂三五个月卖不掉,他自己就会降价



