

我女儿小时候也是一直湿疹后来同事推荐了child farm 和 dermales…混着抹。。。一天三次最少。。。慢慢好了。。。比医生的处方药有用。。。

You can give more probiotics to balance out the loss of probiotics when taking antibiotics. Note that, some probiotics are cultured in milk, which can cause some allergic reactions if your child is allergic to cow’s milk.

The chance of CMA (cow’s milk allergy) sufferers also have reactions to goat’s milk is around 95%, because of common proteins. Nevertheless, it is worth trying. I have heard of cases where a CMA sufferer is not allergic to goat’s milk.

Wheat, gluten, eggs, milk (cow’s, goat’s, sheep’s), nuts, legumes (such as soya, chickpeas, peas, beans), coconut, sesame, oats, seafood, some fruits (such as tomatoes, kiwi) are all fairly common allergens. Even beef can be an allergen due to cross-reactions with cow’s milk. If you really want to know if your child is allergic to any of these, you can cut off all those for a few days, then introduce one by one. Allow at least 3 days for each new food to be introduced. Though I have to say, it is more likely just mild cow’s milk allergy. So maybe you can just wait for the test results.

At the moment, in most cases where the allergies are mild, both skin prick and RAST (blood test) cannot make final food allergy diagnose without actual oral trial. So given the worse reactions you have observed is eczema (i.e. not serious), try and error is the best way to know if your child is allergic to anything.

For eczema, best way is to put a lot of cream/ointment everyday. You can use epaderm for bath time (before the bath, and in the bath as a soap, then after). The choice of cream/ointment varies from individual to individual. So it is a matter of trying really. Dermol 500 is antimicrobial. It is good to use daily to prevent infections when eczema gets bad. Fucidin has antibiotics already. Unless the infection is uncontrollable, I wouldn’t use oral antibiotics, because it destroys the gut probiotics balance, which can also case allergy and eczema. But to say that, if the infection is really bad, you should not hesitate to use antibiotics.

我们试过所有市面上能买的 和医生能给开的所有药膏。 都控制不住。 最后是找的幼儿湿疹专家叫DR RICHARD ARON. 随时发孩子的湿疹皮肤状况给他 他会按照情况开混合药膏。 很管用!


BTW. What’s your child’s reaction to Nutramigen LGG?

There are differences between food allergy to tomato and contact allergy to tomato. You might want to try to feed her/him to see what’s the reaction. Also, it would well be simply contact irritation. Tomato is high-acid food, and can cause irritation if your child has eczema (or broken skin) on the face already. Note that contact irritation can also be caused by a lot of acidic food, such as oranges, mandarins, and etc. So you might want to feed her/him instead of allowing her/him to play when giving acidic foods.

Hope your child gets better soon.

如果在discount code 打上THANKYOU…会有15%的折扣。。。

我家的也四个月开始一直有湿疹,尤其在脸上。gp和皮肤科都看了就是配了一堆药,但我觉得除了激素有效果之外其他都是心理安慰,但激素也不是长久之计。我最近发现有个nappy cream用在湿疹上挺好的,我给她涂在脸颊上的湿疹都好了很多,bepanthen nappy cream是一种挺厚实的油膏,好像挺能持久的不用一天上七八次,我一天放三次. 你试试看吧,不行还可以当nappy cream用。

还有仔细看了下,你家的眼皮有的话我建议先试试嘴角哪些位置,眼皮我没有试过放那个nappy cream,还是小心点。我家试过对嘴角周围的很有效,基本不用激素了。

Hi Yvette, to answer your question, initially he was given Aptamil Pepti to challenge the normal Aptamil formula. We fed him for about three weeks and didn’t see much improvement, to be honest. When we were referred to see a paediatrician, he suggested my son take Nutramigen LGG instead as it has more extensively hydrolysed protein than the former. Anyway, Nutramigen LGG seemed to have worked for a short while, during which time he still had mild flare-ups regularly but they were sort of controllable if loads of cream were put on and applied more than 8 times a day. I am not sure if it’s still working as the eczema this time is so much angrier and more aggressive than ever. After so many months’ wrestling with eczema and adjusting myself to accept that we needed to live with it, i feel I am now back to square one. Very frustrating!

To cut to the chase, no, I don’t think Nutramigen helped and it tastes horrible. The paediatrician did say that if Nutramigen LGG failed, he would give us Neocate (not sure if it’s the right spelling), which is the most advanced formula with protein all broken down. But I don’t want to put my son through this any more.

After I posted the thread here, I switched him to goat’s milk ( nannycare). I am observing its effect on my son’s face, and I don’t know if it has helped improve his condition but it definitely hasn’t made it worse. So I am hoping goat’s milk will make a difference. He is also on a course of antibiotics meanwhile. I am using Aquaphor healing ointment, which is the most greasy and thickest ointment I have ever used. It helped to reduce the redness of his eczema within two days.

Thanks for pointing out the difference between FA and F irritation. I think it makes sense. My observation is that fruits with a very strong and vibrant colour seem to make his red patches redder after he eats them, such as oranges and tomatoes as you pointedness out here. My son rarely gets a chance to have a messy meal which is something that he will have to miss if he eczema cant be not controlled. His HV and dietician both emphasised the importance of letting him experiment eating with his hands and play with food. I tried once and he ended up with a terrible flare- up for a week.

It’s been such an emotional rollercoaster since he had such a bad eczema outbreak. Seeing advice here from all different mums has helped a great deal.

Thank you and thank you to all of you.

建议你看看我3年前写的 一个湿疹帖子:
我家娃现在快4岁了,湿疹就只有1个月前给他milk challenge 到 fresh milk 后复发了。激素涂了一个礼拜就全恢复了。现在还是不能喝fresh milk,但 boiled milk可以喝喝停停了。其他奶酪啥的都可以吃了。我都不记得再上次发湿疹是啥时候了。

你家孩子超过1岁了,可以不用喝奶粉什么了。他的主要营养来源应该是三餐食物。喝奶只是保证钙来源的一个途径。 羊奶不推荐,因为蛋白质成分和牛乳非常接近。 不过你要试的话,我建议你超市里买新鲜的羊奶,可以先从羊奶酸奶开始。酸奶分子更小,容易被身体接受。 St Helen’s farm 家的,各大超市应该都有,通常就在鲜奶/酸奶柜台边上。 羊奶酸奶 成分很简单,没有普通酸奶常有的各种凝固剂增稠剂的。

我家是确诊有过敏的,GP直接就给开的Nutramigen AA (就是和 Neocate一样性质的,不同厂家和牌子罢了) 是 氨基酸 粉。 (那个 AA 代表 Amino Acid) 不是水解奶粉。 这个就算现在医生再开给你们也没什么意义,因为里面钙含量对这个年龄段的孩子来说太少了,只有一半的量。 而且吃口非常难喝。 我家孩子4个月大就开始喝,他习惯那个口味,所以也没什么,但到12个月时候营养师也是建议慢慢换到其他牛乳替代品:oat drink / coconut drink 我还给孩子试了 good hemp milk,他也能喝。 soy 也是不建议的。 因为它的蛋白质分子和牛乳也是很接近的。大多数对牛乳过敏的,对豆奶也是过敏的。

coconut 是fruit,不是nut。我家孩子到现在还常上面几个轮流喝。牛奶一星期只喝个3-4次吧。
现在市面上有 coconut 做的酸奶。但注意, Alpro 家的 coconut 酸奶,里头还是有豆奶的,不是纯的coconut.
纯的椰奶做的牌子我忘记了,价格相比普通酸奶贵很多很多(一小罐应该在3镑左右)相信你家托儿所给孩子喝的coconut yoghurt肯定不是这个。

再给你推荐个 无激素的 药膏,叫 Dermalex Eczema for babies and children。 boots 和各大药房都有卖的。 现在可能改包装了。不便宜,我都是乘buy one get 2nd half price时候多屯些。 要不就boots的点圈积分时候多买一些。 我家孩子持续用了5-6罐100克的下去之后很有效果。又把它做普通保湿的用了一段时间后才转回只用aveeno cream + hydromol ointment 做保湿(是的,两个叠加用,先涂aveeno,再上hydromol油膏。当然这个你们得自己摸索最适合你家孩子的保湿膏/霜/乳)
Dermalex用的时候不要吝啬,要抹的厚点效果比较好。 这个可以安全的用在脸部(眼皮上我家也用过)。
贴个 lloyds 药房的连接:
保湿必须坚持再坚持。 托儿所阿姨让他们每次换尿布的时候就给孩子擦保湿药膏。脸的比较难处理,尤其孩子出牙齿,口水多的时候,口水是刺激物,很容易就搞糟糕了。所以清洁也是非常非常重要的。

激素的话,1%的hydrocortison 都是很弱很弱的了。这个是第一级的激素。GP都是比较谨慎的。
我家那个时候2.5%的 Eumovate都用了很久。连着用1-2个月的-_- (这个GP是说只能用2周。皮肤科专家医生说有必要就可以用)eumovate是属于第二级的激素。
到最后我家还用了一个更凶的,名字我都忘了。是第三级的。 这个第三级的激素药膏是皮肤科专家给的,强调每次不能超过10天,然后必须停用至少1个月后才能再次使用。

希望你家孩子也能快快好起来。湿疹是个持久战。不停的观察,护理,得用月,用年来算。 只有靠家长多用心了。


我已经开始给佑佑吃羊奶粉了,Nannycare的牌子,对比了他跟mutramigen LGG的成分,维生素,钙等都基本一样,但甜很多,味道很好。我会按照你的建议慢慢过渡到新鲜的羊奶。这个奶粉不便宜,一桶要23镑。

soya过敏我没想过,因为觉得我们是中国人,应该在进化过程中完全接受了soya。看来我的想法太幼稚。他吃的酸奶就是soya based或是和coconut混在一起的alpro牌子,还好还有羊酸奶。谢谢你提供这么多有用的信息。



2.5% 浓度的激素,hydrocortison 和 euvomate 都有。 但euvomate要比hydrocortison 强劲很多,是第二级别的。
Euvomate 我家只开到过ointment. 估计Cream 也应该是有的。

你家孩子可以试试用 Dermol 500 做洗面奶 给他清洗面部,然后再上激素,再上保湿。保湿可以用 dermalex. 大爆发的时候光靠Dermalex 是挡不住的,只有上激素。

还有过敏的问题,只能一个个排除,不能想当然的。 我家娃后来还查出来花生(是legume,不算坚果) 和 核桃 (tree nut, 这个问题比较严重) 过敏。 我和老公家两边都没有听说过谁有这些过敏的。 花生核桃哪个中国家庭少接触了,所以现在都非常注意了。回国都不敢出去吃饭就怕人家用的花生油炒菜啥的

总是搓啊蹭的,应该是痒。 如果是痛的话,他不会去碰这块地方的。
实在痒的厉害时候,可以上 antihistamine. 我家是 2mg/5ml chlorphenamine Maleate 长备的。

还有,开春要小心水痘。 我家娃得水痘时候湿疹也爆发了。而且因为水痘,激素保湿都不能上,全靠antihistamine 和一个水痘着哩熬过来的。。。。

Well, cheer up. My son is allergic to milk (cow’s, sheep’s, goat’s, oat’s, etc.) wheat, gluten, nuts, eggs, sesame, coconut, legumes (including soya, chickpeas, lentils, and some other peas and beans), and even tested positive for beef. We suspect he has enteropathies of infancy and childhood. So, he is on Neocate Advance trial at the moment.
Nevertheless, he is still a happy, intelligent child despite of all kinds of troubles he has with his nutrition intake and when playing with other kids. He counted to ten last night repeatedly on his own, in fact, at 20-months old. One kid had cheese for lunch in the nursery the other day, and touched him in the afternoon. He ended up with eczema flare-up and swollen face. But he was calm, and didn’t even cry. If not because the nursery staff got panic and called us (French people really don’t know allergies), we would have thought it was just another normal flare-up.
For messy-play, use pastas, noodles, rice, green vegetables, carrots, and etc. As long as they are not covered by acidic sauce, he will be fine. Puffed rice is useful to train his little hands, too. My son was BLW, so he starts playing with his food from 5/6 months. He was totally fine as long as the food is carefully chosen.
I remember we only got the final blood test results (as scores) when we were in the UK. And it was quite general, e.g. egg, peanut, and ect. We had a lot more tests done in France, which shows us what type of protein he is allergic to. e.g. under milk category, there are two main types of proteins (and even more categories at the next levels, but not very important here). Casein can cause more serious, and persistent allergies, while Whey protein normally is not as persistent. Most importantly, casein is very thermal-stable, and is very difficult to be degraded/denatured. Even hydrolysed milk proteins can have traces of casein residual. That’s why some CMA sufferers can still react to hydrolysed formula. For them, it is worth trying to avoid milk products completely. Alternative, you can try amino acid formula. Neocate Active and Nutramigen AA are both suitable, but they do taste horrendous! Your son might be too old to start taking amino acid formula, because his taste buds have developed.
@anncmy is right. After 1 year of age, what they need mainly from cow’s milk is calcium. If you don’t want him to try amino acid formula, you can give alternative milk. e.g. oat’s milk since he is not allergic to gluten, rice milk, coconut milk, hemp milk. Remember it needs to be one of those calcium fortified ones. In addition, the alternative milk can be very low in proteins. So if you have decided to give alternative milk, you may need to add some more protein-rich food in his diet, i.e. legumes, meat, fish, and etc. Let’s just hope your son is one of those lucky ones to be free from goat’s milk allergy.
If hydrocotisone not working, it may be worth trying other type of steroid. Steroid is like ointment, you got to find THE one. When we were in the UK, we tried a few different types of steroid. Eumovate (clobetasone butyrate) was not very useful. Synalar Cream (Fluocinolone acetonide) was thought to be quite effective. At the moment, we use a cream called Locatop prescribed by a French dermatologist. It is Desonide based, and is also quite effective.
Though you have to be very careful when using on face (definitely need to consult a doctor before using anything higher than the common hydrocortisone one). And you got to use enough. We are all very cautious so we put as little as possible. But not enough steroid just means the eczema flare-ups last longer, and we use steroid for longer, which is even worse. Do avoid eyes! Even the mildest steroid can cause eye blood pressure changes.
If the eczema is caused by allergies, the priority is to exclude all allergens, possibly including in his environment. Research shows proteins, such as egg and milk proteins exist extensively in our living environment. Depends on the severity of the reactions, allergens in house dusts may cause some troubles. We have no food that contains allergens for my son (listed above) in our house. We eat the same food as he does. And since we do so, his eczema has gone from wild to controllable, and he can sleep through the night very well (compared to woken up by itchiness at least 3 time every night).
Some of above information and measurements maybe too extreme. In your case, your son’s eczema shouldn’t be too difficult to manage once allergens are confirmed. At least he can still eat his food (though his skins don’t agree completely). It is just a piece of information for anyone that maybe interested in.
Please also share your information. Much appreciated.
And good luck.

@anncmy Thanks for the information. I am aware the heavy metal concentration in rice, but I certainly didn’t know NHS has recommendations against it. Rice milk is my least favorite alternative milk, partly because nutrition-wise, it is not as good as others. And partly because my son only has rice, corn, and potatoes as main sources of carbohydrates, I really don’t want him to have too much rice, also due to the heavy metal concentration concerns. To add to that point, I do give my son organic rice milk when it is necessary. And to anyone planning to give rice milk, I would recommend organic rice milk if possible.

yvette 你误解我的意思了。
大米里 砷含量高,和是不是有机种植没有关系。
Do organic foods have less arsenic than non-organic foods?
Because arsenic is naturally found in the soil and water, it is absorbed by plants regardless of whether they are grown under conventional or organic farming practices. The FDA is unaware of any data that show a difference in the amount of arsenic found in organic rice versus conventionally grown rice. (摘自:http://www.fda.gov/Food/FoodborneIllnessContaminants/Metals/ucm319948.htm)

有机种植就是不使用化学肥料/杀虫剂。 大米里砷含量高,是因为水稻的种植方式(水田)以及水稻本身比起其他植物更会吸收土壤中的砷。

有机的饮料你也要注意看nutrition list/ingredients list. 我家孩子的营养师特意提醒过 不要买organic 的,因为里面没有添加钙。 我自己只注意过oatly家的 organic oat drinks,的确是没有添加钙。 rice 的没有关心过,因为医院给的小册子里也是说不能给5岁以下孩子rice drink.
NHS的 和 uk food standards agency 的官方网站里都有提到:https://www.food.gov.uk/science/arsenic-in-rice