求助:T-2 家属签证未能在30天内抵达英国,如何重新申请vignette transfer

请教各位大神,家属刚刚拿到t-2 dependent visa, 我们提交申请的时候填写的出发时间是12月底,但是拿到的签证要求要在11月中旬入境英国取brp card。家属没有办法在这个期限前到英国,看到说if you do not arrive in the uk within this 30 days period, you need to apply for a vignette transfer. 请问有相关的经验人士:该如何申请?网上搜了没有找到详细的信息。需要提交什么documents? 还要采一次生物指纹吗?会不会被拒绝并影响到现有的签证?谢谢!


“They’ll need to have their fingerprints and photograph taken at a visa application centre to get a biometric residence permit as part of their application.

They’ll have to collect their biometric residence permit within 30 days of when they said they’d arrive in the UK.”
