房子同时拥有leasehold和freehold, 是什么情况?

今天律师发来的文件里有两份copy of register of title. 两个title number; 一个是leasehold, 另外是freehold… leasehold是99年的从1927年算起。前房主是在1978年注册的leasehold,注册的两个人的名字。另外一个freehold是在1988年注册的女主人一个人的名字。自己也在本地人的论坛查了查有类似的情况但是看的不是很明白,想请教版主成龙大哥和了解类似情况的朋友们给解释解释这到底是个什么情况?律师信里说:we shall attempt to merge the titles when we register the property. 这样靠谱吗还是要求卖家改了之后再交换合同?

我知道有一种情况会造成这个局面,一个freehold的大房子convert成几个flat,每个flat都是leasehold,原来的freehold归其中一个flat所有,这样这个flat就是同时有freehold和leasehold,另外一种安排是freehold所有flat 共同share这就是share of freehold。如果这些flat后来又合起来成一个house,但合起来的时候没有merge lease那house也就同时有leasehold和freehold了。




A: Property register
this register describes the land and estate comprised in the title. except as mentioned below, the title includes any legal easements granted by the registered lease but is subject to any rights that is reserves, so far as those easements and rights exist and benefit or affect the registered land.

1 (04,06,1965) The leasehold land shown edged with red on the plan of the above title filed at the registry and being xxxx road
2 short particulars of the lease(s) (or under-lease(s)) under which the land is held:
date: 28 july 1927
term: 99 years from 25 March 1927
rent: £6.10.0
parties: (1) the reverend John xxxx, the very reverend John(canon) xxxx and the reverend xxx xxx
(2) Frank xxxx
3 the lessor’s title is registered
4unless otherwise mentioned the title include any legal easements granted byby the registered lease but is subject to any rights that is reserves, so far as those easements and rights exist and benefit or affect the registered land.

B : Proprietorship register
this register specifies the class of title and identifies the owner. it contains any entries that affect the right of disposal.
Title good leasehold
1 (xx.xx.1978) proprietor: Lxxx xxx Matthews and Exxx xxx Matthews of xxx road. W Midland.
C: Charges register
1 (xx.xx.1978) registered charge dated 27 Jan 1978 to secure the moneys including the further advances therein mentioned
2(xx.xx.2008) proprietor: bank of scotland plc of halifax division.

另外一个是freehold .
(07.11.1988) the freehold land shown edged with red on the plan of the above title filed at registry and being xxx road (同一个地址)
B : Proprietorship register
this register specifies the class of title and identifies the owner. it contains any entries that affect the right of disposal.
Title absolute
(07.11.1988) proprietor(s) :Exxx xxx Matthews. of xxx road W Midland.
我的理解是在1988 年的时候 由于未知的原因 之前夫妇两人共同的房产在1988年的时候注册到女主人的名下 可能是女主人从leasehold 买到freehold. 但为什么当时没有把两个titles merge 在一起呢?
