

如果他们打给你,跟他们说,我已经联系O2了,我没欠钱。 我家以前用SKY,老公给取消了,过了2年了,收到讨债信,400多磅啊,老公打去SKY问,SKY说是他们搞错了,因为我们取消的时候DIRECT DEBIT我们没有自己取消,就是按时间补收钱了,怎么会欠钱,反正SKY说他们搞错了,老公打去讨债公司说是SKY弄错了,之后又收过信,好像没理,还是怎么的,最后就没事了。



给追债公司发的CCA request letter:

Dear Sir/Madam
Re: -Account Number: XXXXXX
I do not acknowledge any debt to your company or its clients.
With reference to the above agreement, I require you to supply the following documentation before I will correspond with you further on this matter.

  1. You must supply me with a true copy of the alleged agreement you refer to. This is my right under your obligation to supply a copy of the agreement, under the legislation contained within s.78 (1) Consumer Credit Act 1974.
  2. A full statement of account.
  3. A signed true copy of the deed of assignment of the above referenced agreement that you allege exists.
  4. A copy of any other documents referred to in the agreement.
    I understand that under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (Sections 77-79), I are entitled to receive a copy of our credit agreement on request.
    I understand a copy of our credit agreement should be supplied within 12 working days.
    I understand that under the Consumer Credit Act creditors are unable to enforce an agreement if they fail to comply with a request for a copy of the agreement under these sections of the Act.



